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SoCo MHB Retreat 2024

Date: March 16, 2024

Time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


Hanna Center
17000 Arnold Dr
Sonoma, CA 95476

Registration Required: No

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  1. Welcome and Intention
  2. Introductions
  3. Biographies for MHB Website
  4. Orientation and Mentoring Process 


  5. Read Bylaws
  6. Review Duties
  7. Signups for Duties/Roles/Tasks
  8. Hanna Center Tour (Site Visit) at Noon 

    LUNCH (12:30 to 1pm)

  9. Intradistrict Breakouts
    1. Communication with Supervisor
    2. Focus, intention, interest for district
    3. Email Chain w/ Field Rep and Supervisor
    4. Quarterly Meeting w/ Supervisor 


  10. Team Building Activity
  11. Recap and Wrap-Up

 Thank you!