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Department of Health Services

Sonoma County Homeless Coalition

Request for Proposals (RFP) for the management and operation of Los Guilicos Village Non-Congregate Shelter

Published: December 06, 2022

The County of Sonoma is pleased to invite you to respond to this Request for Proposals (RFP) for the management and operation of Los Guilicos Village Non-Congregate Shelter

Release Date: December 6, 2022 
Responses Due: Friday, January 20, 2023 @ 4:00 p.m. PST 
Eligible Applicants: Community-based organizations (CBOs) or for profit service providers.

NOTE: If you are considering applying for funds from this RFP, we encourage you to discuss your concepts and proposals prior to submission with Michael Gause and Chuck Mottern of the SCCDC ( and

This RFP: The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors acting as the Board of Commissioners for the Sonoma County Community Development Commission (SCCDC) is pleased to invite you to respond to this Request for Proposals (RFP) as the service provider, managing and operating the 60-unit Los Guilicos Village non-congregate shelter (NCS) at 7363 Rancho Los Guilicos Road, in Santa Rosa, California. The services may include but not be limited to:

  • Facility Operations that include facility upkeep, shelter maintenance, utility upkeep, security, sanitation, day-to-day administration, provision of meals, clean and sanitary eating and washing spaces, and more.
  • Supportive Services to persons residing in LG Village that may include behavioral health care, physical health care, counseling, recovery services, peer support, benefits counseling and navigation, housing navigation, and more.
  • Administration and Reporting, including personnel, budget information, contract compliance requirements, effective liaison with County Department of Health Services (DHS) staff, partnerships with other service providers and other County departments (such as General Services), reporting of key metrics associated with client success (such as returns to homelessness, placement in permanent housing, and length of time homeless) and more.

Please assume that the duration of the agreement for services and operations may be up to two years, with one additional year as an option.

A. Additional Information

The SCCDC invites you to respond to this RFP with a proposal. This RFP does not commit the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors or the SCCDC to award any funds. The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors will make decisions on awarding of funds based on the information received and the staff’s knowledge and understanding of the capabilities of qualified respondents.

Respondents are advised that the County of Sonoma and the SCCDC will not pay for any information or administrative costs incurred in response to the RFP. All costs associated with responding to this RFP will be solely at the interested party’s expense. Based on the information provided by the respondents to this RFP, a determination will be made regarding any actual award of funds through a Letter of Intent (LOI) or similar process. All submissions in response to this RFP become County property and will not be returned.

B. Submitting your Proposal

Please submit your proposal electronically via PDF (or similar) not later than 4:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on Friday, January 20, 2023. Your proposal should be emailed to ( and

Responses must be received no later than 4:00 pm. on Friday, January 20, 2023. Late responses will not be considered.

C. Submittal Requirements

All proposals must include the following with the information requested below.

Cover Letter. The proposal must be transmitted with a cover letter signed by an official authorized to submit the document to us.

Program Elements and Performance Metrics. Please submit the service/program elements, and any related information that you deem to be helpful in the Board’s and staff’s discussion of your proposal. The key performance metrics that will be used to evaluate success will be:

  • Placements to Permanent Housing
  • Returns to Homelessness
  • Length of Time Homeless
  • Increased income (earned and non-earned)

Capital Budget. If you are requesting that a portion of these funds go towards the capital purchases at the service site, please provide your best estimate of the capital needed to stand- up the project. Please include other estimated sources of funds in addition to this RFP’s funds.

Operating Budget. Please demonstrate your project’s ability to sustain itself over a period of time. Please attempt to provide as specific an operational budget as you can, including expected sources of funds to cover these costs.

Where applicable, a 501(c)3 information. Where a partner is a community-based organization, respondents should include that CBO’s 501(c)3 determination letter and a board of directors’ resolution approving the application for funds. Respondents are encouraged to also submit their most recent audited financial statements covering two years.

Key Contact Information. For the proposal’s primary point of contact, including the best phone number.

D. Proposal Evaluation

The successful applicant(s) will be selected based on, but not limited to, the following criteria (and not necessarily in order of importance):

  1. Overall Proposal Quality
  2. Projected cost-
  3. Experience in operating a Non-Congregate Shelter of this scope and magnitude will be an important consideration for the Board.
  4. Adherence by the Proposer to the provisions of this RFP, including but not limited to the Submittal Requirements.

As noted, early contact with us is strongly encouraged. If that is not done within the application window, our evaluation process may or may not include a brief interview with the proposer(s) and SCCDC staff.

E. Resulting Fund Award:

There is no guarantee that we will award funds from this RFP should applications not be deemed viable.

F. RFP Schedule:



December 6, 2022

 RFP advertised and posted

Friday, January 20, @ 4:00 p.m. PST

 Responses due.

1-23-2023 to 2-03-2023 (estimated)

Review of responses, follow-up questions.

March 12, 2023 (estimated)

Sonoma County Board of Supervisors review and approval of proposed awardees.

July 1, 2023 (NOTE: This is a Saturday)

Estimated contract start date

G. Environmental Review.

The Board of Supervisors, in adopting and authorizing this Request for Proposals for homeless services, finds and declares that the Activity/Project resulting from this RFP is Categorically Excluded From and Not Subject To 58.5 per 24 CFR 58.35(b): (2) Supportive services including, but not limited to, health care, housing services, permanent housing placement, daycare, nutritional services, short-term payments for rent/mortgage/utility costs, and assistance in gaining access to local, State, and Federal government benefits and services.

H. Attachment(s):

Recent LG Village Expenditures (FY 2021-22), Budget FY 22-23