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Mental Health Executive Board Meeting

Date: May 03, 2023

Time: 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Meeting Information:

Sonoma County DHS Office; Santa Rosa Conference Room:

1450 Neotomas Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95401* (see parking information below)

 *Reminder:  All Board Members must attend in person unless exception request has been submitted and approved*

 Members of the public can watch or listen to the meeting using one of the two following methods:

  1. Join the Zoom meeting application on your computer, tablet, or smartphone
    1. Please click the link below to join the webinar:
  2. Call-in and listen to the meeting:

Dial 1-669-444-9171
Webinar ID: 936 6392 1735
Passcode: 836039

*Parking at 1450 Neotomas Avenue:

While you may park anywhere in the lot, the most direct access is up the ramp and turn right.  This is where the main entrance is located.  Upon entering from this level, Susan will meet you in the lobby to sign in as a Visitor.  The Santa Rosa Conference Room is located nearby, left down the hallway and right into the room.  If you prefer to park on the lower level, there is also a side entrance that has an elevator to the second floor.  Go through both sets of double doors, turn left, and take the elevator to the lobby.  Follow same process as above.

Registration Required: No

Add to Calendar


  1. MHB Treasurer’s Report – $1,909.91 (?) **Need to verify who is keeping track of funds and what is actually available**

Less April & May Offsite Rental Charges:  $1299.91

  1. Recruitment and retention of MHB members – (2) vacancies in District 2 (Rabbitt)
  2. Ethics Training – Mary Ann Swanson working on physical copy she received in the mail; Missy Jackson trying to get online, No reply from Betzy Chavez, Peterson Pierre sent in certificate from last year.
  3. Discuss Board Planning: Special Topic Presentation for May: Mental Health Month; Melissa Ladrech will have 40 minute presentation about the Draft 3 year plan; fiscal 23-26 followed by a public hearing.   June – Melissa will have a 5 minute presentation about the plan that was posted May 1; followed by a 15 minutes for public comments and questions
  4. BH Director’s Report/DHS-BH Budget Update/Systems Transformation
  5. Other Reports Including CALBHB/C and Ad hoc committees; Legislative Agenda Items: PAM and Mental Health Services/Needs at Sonoma County Main Adult Detention Facility PAM (program assessment matrix) matrix and site visits.
  6. Discuss MHB acknowledging SCBH staff - May; Mental Health Services Act staff?
  7. MHB Chair’s Report
  8. Site Visit Committee – Site visit scheduled on May 16 at 3:30pm at the Wellness Center
  9. Discussion on SB 43
  10. Discussion on below email sent from Trevor Merrell (may join Zoom call around 11:00 a.m. – has not confirmed)
  11. Future topics to add to agenda
  12. Public Comment


The emergency provisions had major impacts on healthcare and the options available to patients across our country. One of those notable impacts, particularly pertaining to mental health issues, is the end of emergency rules that allowed the prescription of CNS stimulants to ADHD/neurodivergent patients via telemedicine. The repeal of these rules will mean that hundreds of thousands of Americans who have since been able to access care and essential prescription medications may no longer be able to do so. After having spoken with providers and patients alike, I'm concerned by the lack of awareness being placed upon this issue and fear that it may blindside people suffering with these conditions.

I was curious as to whether or not the MHB has advocated on the issue as of yet. I would be very much interested in the possibility of advocating for policy changes that protect these patients from unexpectedly losing access to life-saving care. Beyond that, it may be helpful to pull together relevant stakeholders and experts to spread a sort of public awareness campaign in our community. The effects to be had are still obscure to most people, and I feel as if there'd be a lot of value in providing those kinds of resources and answers to the public. 

 Let me know what you think, and we can elaborate further if you're interested. Thank you for your time and your service to our community.  

Kind regards, 

Trevor Merrell 

Human Rights Commissioner (D4), County of Sonoma

575 Administration Dr, Santa Rosa, CA 95403

(707) 486-8871

Next MHB Meeting Agenda 05/16/2023 – *Finely Center in the Cypress Room*

  • Roll Call
  • Approval of Minutes for April 18, 2023 Board Meeting
  • Consumer Affairs Report - Consumer news, issues, concerns
  • Behavioral Health Director’s Report/BH Fiscal Update/Mental Health System Transformation
  • Mental Health Board Appreciation: MHSA?
  • Special Presentation: Melissa Ladrech
  • Public Comment/Wrap-Up
  • Adjournment

Email Public Comment Prior to the Meeting:

You may email public comment to no later than five days prior to the meeting. All emailed public comments will be forwarded to all Board Members. During the meeting, if you have joined as a member of the public in the Zoom app or by calling in, there will be specific points throughout the meeting assigned to public comment.

Reasonable Accommodation:

If you have a disability, which requires an accommodation or an alternative format to assist you in observing and commenting on this meeting, please contact the Clerk of the Mental Health Board at (707) 565-4854 or by email by 12:00 noon the Friday before the meeting to ensure arrangements for accommodation.

The rules for public observation and comment supersede and replace the standard provisions for the duration of the public health emergency.