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Mental Health Executive Board Meeting

Date: January 05, 2022

Time: 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Registration Required: No

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Mental Health Board Executive Committee Meeting will be facilitated virtually through Zoom.

Members of the public can watch or listen to the meeting using one of the two following methods:

1. Join the Zoom meeting application on your computer, tablet or smartphone:

Go to: click this URL to join the webinar:

2. Call-in and listen to the meeting:

Dial+1 (669) 900 9128

Enter Webinar ID: 951 4148 9475

Enter password: 160930

Email Public Comment Prior to the Meeting:

You may email public comment to no later than five days prior to the meeting. All emailed public comments will be forwarded to all Board Members. During the meeting, if you have joined as a member of the public in the Zoom app or by calling in, there will be specific points throughout the meeting assigned to public comment.


If you have a disability, which requires an accommodation or an alternative format to assist you in observing and commenting on this meeting, please contact the Clerk of the Mental Health Board at (707) 565-4854 or by email by 12:00 noon the Friday before the meeting to ensure arrangements for accommodation.

The rules for public observation and comment supersede and replace the standard provisions for the duration of the public health emergency.


Mental Health Board Executive Committee Agenda

  1. MHB Treasurer’s Report – Balance –$2,219.19
  2. Recruitment and retention of MHB members – three vacancies one in District 2 (Rabbitt), one in District 4 (Gore) and one in District 5 (Hopkins).
  3. Approval of Minutes of November 16th MHB meeting at 01/18/22 general meeting. Draft minutes have been emailed out to Board members.
  4. Discuss Board Planning: Special Topic Presentation: Carol West - South County Petaluma Police Department, Lieutenant Nick McGowan
  5. BH Director’s Report/DHS-BH Budget Update/Systems Transformation:
  6. Other Reports Including CALBHB/C and Ad hoc committees; Legislative Agenda Items: PAM and Mental Health Services/Needs at Sonoma County Main Adult Detention Facility PAM matrix and site visits. Ideas for facilities to visit and volunteers
  7. Discuss MHB acknowledging SCBH staff:
  8. Confirm scheduling of the special presentations:
  9. MHB Chair’s Report –
  10. Future topics to add to agenda-
  11. Public Comment

Next MHB Meeting Agenda 01/18/2022 –

  • Roll Call
  • Approval of Minutes for November 16th meeting
  • Consumer Affairs Report - Consumer news, issues, concerns – Kate Roberge/Guests
  • PEERS Coalition Intern Report on Activities at SRJC
  • Behavioral Health Director’s Report/BH Fiscal Update/Mental Health System Transformation
  • Mental Health Board Appreciation:
  • Special Presentation:
  • Public Comment/Wrap-Up
  • Adjournment
