Mental Health Board Winter Retreat
Date: December 03, 2022
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Meeting Video Recording »
Passcode: $Sz2PnHz
Registration Required: No
- MHB Winter Retreat Agenda 12-03-2022 (PDF: 153.8 kB)
- Responsibility and Reality: How Does a Mental Health Board Exercise Its Authority? December 3, 2022 Presentation (PDF: 1.2 MB)
- December 3, 2022 Minutes (PDF: 226.2 kB)
- Sonoma County Mental Health Board 2023 Goals (PDF: 98.3 kB)
- Rosenburg's Rules (PDF: 823.3 kB)
- Stakeholders Defined (PDF: 81.9 kB)
The Sonoma County Mental Health Board is an advisory board empowered to listen to the concerns of our constituents and to help formulates policies that offer a consistent continuum of care for all those with mental health challenges. We are further empowered to advise the County Board of Supervisors on the Mental Health System of Care.
The Sonoma County Mental Health Board collaborates with the Mental Health Services Division of the Sonoma County Department of Health Services to increase public and professional awareness of persons with mental health challenges and to help eliminate the stigma attached to those mental illness. We strive to positively impact the mental health system by listening to public input and working with Mental Health Services to create policy that will offer hope to families and individuals living with mental illness.
- Review the training for the day
- Review the handouts for the day
- Discuss training options by Zoom
Use handout of WIC 6504 plus notes on specific areas of responsibility:
Use handout of Practical Application: Annual Report Use handout of Practical Application:
Data Notebook
- Review and evaluate the community's public mental health needs, services, facilities, and special problems in any facility within the county or jurisdiction where mental health evaluations or services are being provided, including, but not limited to, schools, emergency departments, and psychiatric facilities. (This will include a discussion of site visits: see notes that follow)
- Review any county agreements entered into pursuant to Section 5650. The local mental health board may make recommendations to the governing body regarding concerns identified within these agreements.
- Advise the governing body and the local mental health director as to any aspect of the local mental health program. Local mental health boards may request assistance from the local patients' rights advocates when reviewing and advising on mental health evaluations or services provided in public facilities with limited access. (This will include a discussion of how to engage the BOS)
- Review and approve the procedures used to ensure citizen and professional involvement at all stages of the planning Involvement shall include individuals with lived experience of mental illness and their families, community members, advocacy organizations, and mental health professionals. It shall also include other professionals that interact with individuals living with mental illnesses on a daily basis, such as education, emergency services, employment, health care, housing, law enforcement, local business owners, social services, seniors, transportation, and veterans.
- Submit an annual report to the governing body on the needs and performance of the county's mental health system.
- Review and make recommendations on applicants for the appointment of a local director of mental health The board shall be included in the selection process prior to the vote of the governing body.
- Review and comment on the county's performance outcome data and communicate its findings to the California Behavioral Health Planning Council.
- This part does not limit the ability of the governing body to transfer additional duties or authority to a mental health board.
- Discussion of the Brown Act
- Focus on public comment management
- Focus on serial meetings
- Focus on new requirements in the Brown Act
- Discussion of Robert's Rules/meeting management
- Discussion of how to do the minutes
- Discussion of how to do a motion (and manage the conversation/discussion)
- Discussion of how to stop debate on a motion
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