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Commission on Human Rights

For Immediate Release

Junior Commission on Human Rights Supports Sonoma County Schools and Universities Participating in National Walkout Day on March 14th

Santa Rosa,CA | March 01, 2018

Following the tragic events of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, high school students across the country are taking action to protest Congress’ inaction to do more than tweet thoughts and prayers after school shootings. Students nationwide are taking action to demand Congress pass sensible legislation that would help keep students and their loved ones safe from gun violence at school, and beyond. Since Sandy Hook there have been over 200 school shootings resulting in over 400 people shot. The demands of students include a ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines, expanding background checks to all gun sales, passing a federal gun violence restraining order law, funding government research on gun violence and promoting safe storage. 

The Sonoma County Junior Commission on Human Rights supports Sonoma County high schools and universities planning to join the mass school walkout on March 14th. The walkout will take place at 10:00am and last for 17 minutes, or one minute for each victim of the Parkland shooting. Students, teachers, school administrators and parents can walk outside of their school or walk out the classroom into a hallway. The commissioners encourage schools to host an assembly discussing the issue of gun violence before or after the walk-out. Students can also take action by hosting sign-making get-togethers and writing letters to Congress urging them to take action to keep schools safe. After 17 minutes the Commission urges students to return to class and their regular schedules, with a reminder that all actions must be inclusive & non-violent. For more information on the National Walkout, visit


The Junior Commission on Human Rights is a project of the Commission on Human Rights, an appointed advisory board to the County Board of Supervisors. The Junior Commission is intended to provide high school aged youth with the opportunity to participate in advocacy, take an active role in County government, provide education about human rights issues that impact their lives and empower youth to make a positive impact on their communities.

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