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Human Services Department

Family, Youth, and Children Division

Giving Feedback and CACI Info

How to give feedback, and information about Child Abuse Central Index (CACI)

  • Feedback for FYC Staff
    • If you are having trouble working with your Social Worker or other FYC staff and would like to speak with someone about it, you can call our main line (707) 565-4300 during regular business hours (Monday – Friday, 8a – 5p excluding federal holidays), and ask to speak with the worker’s Supervisor.
    • There is also a Supervisor of the Day, or a Manager of the Day, who can speak with you if your worker’s Supervisor is unavailable.
  • CDSS Complaint page
  • CACI Grievance Hearing
    • If you received a Notice of Child Abuse Central Index Listing (the forms SOC 832, SOC 833, and SOC 834) in the mail, this means your name has been sent to the Child Abuse Central Index. If you want to challenge your name being on that list, you must send written notice within 30 calendar days of the date of the notice.
      • You can complete the SOC 834 or request on any piece of paper as long as it includes the following information:
      •  referral number
      •  name of the county
      •  complete contact information

o   Your name
o   Your phone number
o   Your mailing address
o   Helpful, but not required: your email address

  •  The reason you think your name should not be on the list
    • You are not entitled to a CACI Grievance Hearing if:
      • Court is involved because of the allegation of abuse and/or neglect. This means Dependency or Criminal Court
      • You submit the SOC 834 or written request more than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the notice
        • See SOC 833 for more information on the above
    • If a Criminal Court does not convict you of a crime related to child abuse/neglect or a Dependency Court does not sustain allegation/s of abuse or neglect related to the CACI registration – you can submit a (new) request for a CACI Grievance Hearing by filling out and sending in a SOC 834 within thirty (30) days of the situation being resolved in Criminal and/or Dependency Court
      • See above for more information
  •  The name and contact information for your attorney if you decide to get one (not required)
  • You can mail, or drop off in person during regular business hours, to:

    ATTN: Initial Services Section Manager - CACI
    1202 Apollo Way
    Santa Rosa, CA 95407

    Your information will be reviewed and someone will be in contact with you to follow-up.