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Villa Grande Drainage Study (E20010)

Villa Grande Project Image

Sonoma Public Infrastructure's offices are now located at 400 Aviation Blvd, Suite 100, Santa Rosa, CA 95403.

Project Description

Sonoma County Transportation and Public Works will hire a consultant to develop a hydrology and hydraulics study for the Villa Grande area. Following the study, the consultant will identify solutions that will best mitigate the drainage and flooding issues as well as provide preliminary cost estimates for each of the solutions.

In developing the hydrology and hydraulics study and solutions the consultant will reach out to local residents, County staff and other stakeholders to provide input. Flooding and drainage has been an issue for Villa Grande for a number of years. The hydrology and hydraulics study will identify the extent to which flooding and drainage is an issue in Villa Grande. The consultant will provide solutions to improve drainage and reduce the impact of flooding to minimize the damage to private property and public infrastructure. Future hydrology and hydraulic studies will be completed on an as needed.

Contact Information

Please direct any questions to Yoash Tilles at