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For Immediate Release

Annual Meeting About Habitat Projects that Benefit Threatened Fish in the Russian River Watershed

Santa Rosa, CA | April 21, 2022

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On Wednesday, May 4, 2022 the Public Policy Facilitating Committee (PPFC) will host its annual meeting to receive reports and presentations on various projects designed to help restore endangered and threatened fish to the Russian River watershed, while maintaining the region’s primary water supply.  The meeting will take place via Zoom from 2:00 to 4:30 PM. To register for the meeting and receive log-in directions, visit

A Russian River Biological Opinion was released by National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in September 2008. This 15-year plan requires Sonoma Water and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to modify Russian River water supply and flood control operations to prevent harm to endangered coho salmon and threatened steelhead trout.  The PPFC – comprised of elected and appointed officials from public agencies throughout the region – meets annually to review implementation of the Russian River Biological Opinion. 

The Biological Opinion requirements include reducing minimum summertime flows in the Russian River and Dry Creek; changing the way the sandbar is managed at the mouth of the Russian River between May 15 and October 15; enhancing habitat in Dry Creek; and fish monitoring. 

Presentations on May 4 will include current water supply conditions and temporary water rights petitions, fisheries monitoring and the drought; a Warm Springs Hatchery update; and presentation of a new video about the Dry Creek Habitat Enhancement Project. The public will have an opportunity to comment and ask questions. 

The meeting agenda is available at

Contact Information:  
Barry Dugan
Sonoma Water
(707) 331-2040
