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November 19, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Board of Supervisors to hold additional redistricting hearingsbefore final map selection

Under the direction of the Board of Supervisors, Sonoma County will hold two additional public meetings related to the county redistricting process, prior to a final public hearing on Dec. 7. Read full story

November 17, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County supervisors approve Chanate sale

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors today approved the sale of the 71-acre county-owned Chanate Campus to Eddie Haddad of Resources Group for $15.05 million. Haddad submitted the highest responsive, responsible bid in response to the Nov. 9 call for oral bids. Read full story

November 17, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

SonomaCounty businesses win statewide Energy Efficiency Awards

Two local businesses – EasyBreezy Car Wash in Santa Rosa, and Oliver’s Market in Santa Rosa - have wonawards for energy efficiency innovations and savings in a statewide challenge. Read full story

November 17, 2021 | Department of Health Services

Secondary Traumatic Stress is treatable and maybe even preventable

Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) can happen when care providers listen to the stories of traumatic events experienced by clients. Take the STS assessment. Read full story

November 15, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

El Condado de Sonoma abrelas vacunas de refuerzo contra la COVID-19 para todos los adultos, a fin de evitar un pico en elinvierno

El Condado de Sonoma está abriendo las vacunas derefuerzo contra la COVID-19 para todos los adultos con edades de 18 años ymayores, siempre y cuando califiquen en base a la fecha de aplicación de su últimadosis de la vacuna. Read full story

November 15, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County opens COVID-19 boosters broadly to adults to avoid winter surge

Sonoma County is opening-up COVID-19 boosters to alladults 18 years and older, provided they qualify based on the timing of theirlast dose of the vaccine. Read full story

November 12, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Weekly Roundup for Nov. 12, 2021

This week’s digest provides helpful and important updates on the following: 1) Update on vaccine distribution, including for children ages 5-11; 2) Testing & vaccine clinic schedule update; 3) Helpful guidance for holiday gatherings, travel; 4) COVID-19 community resources & support; 5) Other news items from County of Sonoma Read full story

November 11, 2021 | Board of Supervisors Department

Rep. Jared Huffman, 2 local leaders report on UN climate change conference

“The collective impact of local government is tremendous,” Hopkins said in a telephone interview, citing a “groundswell of energy for climate science in local governments around the world.” Read full story

November 10, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

El Condado de Sonomase acerca al final de su proceso de redistribución de distritos; próximaaudiencia el 16 de nov.

El Condado de Sonomaestá entrando en las últimas semanas de su procesode redistribución de distritos que, una vez finalizado, determinará cómo estarán representadoslos votantes en la Junta de Supervisoresdel Condado de Sonoma durante los próximos 10 años. Read full story

November 10, 2021 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County nears the end of redistricting process; next public hearing on November 16

The County of Sonoma is entering into the final weeks of its redistricting process, which, upon completion, will determine geographic areas of Sonoma County supervisorial districts for the next 10 years. Read full story