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Board of Supervisors Department

Mark West Area Municipal Advisory Council

Unapproved Minutes December 14, 2020

Zoom Meeting
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  1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Molsberry called to order, the regular meeting of Mark West Citizens Advisory Council 6:00 pm.
    1. Roll Call: Councilmembers present: Brian Molsberry, Roni Berg, Pete Lescure, Brad Sherwood, Tim Preston
    2. The Agenda is Amended:
      Supervisor Gore is not able to attend. Jen Mendoza, District Aide Representing Supervisor James Gore performed the Changing of the Guard ceremony at this stage in the agenda as Karen Fies (incoming member) had to leave the meeting early.

      The terms of office end, December 31, for Councilmember Tim Preston and Council Chair Brian Molsberry. They were presented with Certificates of Appreciation, with the Sonoma County Seal, from the Council and Supervisor Gore.

      Jen Mendoza introduced and welcomed two new council members: Karen Fies, At-Large member, recently retired Director for Social Services for Sonoma County and Willie Lamberson, representing the Mark West Area Chamber of Commerce.

      They were sworn in by Jen Mendoza. She explained that her roll is to support and facilitate the Council.
    3. Approval of Minutes: On a motion by Councilmember Sherwood, second by Council Vice Chair Berg, the minutes of the regular MWCAC meeting, November 9, 2020, were approved. The motion carried on a voice vote. (5-0)
    1. Utilities: None
    2. Wikiup Commons: None
    3. Sonoma County Plan for Mark West Area: None
    1. Speed limits on MWSR and ORH: None
    2. “Hawk” light in front of Larkfield Shopping Center: No change. Still looking at next spring.
    3. List of Unmet Needs Projects for Larkfield/Mark West/Wikiup: Board of Supervisors (BOS) is looking at allocating roughly $60 million for roads and infrastructure. It is in addition to the $25 million already allocated for vegetation management, leaving about $30 million in the bucket.

      Larkfield Resiliency Fund put together a documentary, highlighting four wild fire survivors, with a discussion on the importance of vegetation management, going forward. See it on the Larkfield Resilience Fund You tube page. It was sent to the BOS.
  5. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS: This time is set aside for comments from the public regarding matters of general Interest, not on the agenda, but related to MWCAC business. Pursuant to the Brown Act, however, the MWCAC cannot consider any issues or take action on any requests during this comment period. Each person is usually granted three minutes to speak. Time limitations are at the discretion of the Chair. None
  7. COUNCIL MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS AND DISCLOSURES: Information only. 1. Councilmember Sherwood announced that Mark West Union School District will be getting back $1.2 million from the state because of revenues that potentially could have been lost because of back payments from the State. The district lost 115 students this year; hoping to get them back next year. If not, the board has reserves to prevent any impact to teachers or staff.

    Loss of students is mainly from Mark West and San Miguel. Spanish speaking students now represent 9% of the student body vs up to 15% in prior years
  8. PRESENTATIONS, OTHER THAN REFERRALS FROM PRMD: To proceed as follows: 1. Presentation 2. Questions by Councilmembers 3. Questions and comments from the public.
    1. Larkfield Resiliency Fund application for funds from the Neighborhood Improvement Funding Program (NIFP): Stan Ratliff explained that they submitted an application for funds for landscaping along Old Redwood Hwy. and Mark West Springs Road, at the edge of Larkfield Estates. This is for removal of weeds and stumps, and landscaping with sustainable plants. It will not require an encroachment permit per Transportation and Public Works (TPW).

      Vice Chair Berg explained that we are working towards quicker franchise fee funding. Projects with receipts should be processed faster.

      This Larkfield Resiliency Fund application should quickly qualify for approval by the Board of Supervisors (BOS), because: no permit is necessary, applicant is already a non-profit, and the funds are in this year’s budget.

      There is $265,000 in the Franchise Fee Fund now. Approximately $35,000 per year is added from Cal Am Water.

      Jen Mendoza explained that once the MWCAC approves a project, it’s a couple of months for BOS approval. They make a funding resolution, an invoice is received, funds are issued, from TPW. This is more of a grant-like program, vs. a purchasing program.

      If there is an invoice, and the dollar amount is within the allotted amount, there should not be a problem getting Board approval.

      On a motion by Councilmember Lescure, seconded by Council Vice Chair Berg, the application was approved. The motion carried on a voice vote (4-0). Councilmember Sherwood abstained.

      The Council discussed the possibility of a posted sign, stating that the project is funded by the MWCAC. The cost could come out of the Council operating funds. Jen Mendoza will explore the possibility of the County sign shop making it. Vice Chair Berg will check into banners.
  10. REFERRALS FROM SONOMA COUNTY PRMD WITH PRESENTATIONS: Action Item. Consideration of proposed projects will proceed as follows: 1. Presentation by project applicant 2. Questions by Councilmembers 3. Questions and comments from the public 4. Response by applicant, if required 5. Comments by Council members 6. Resolution (Action) if indicated None
    1. Neighborhood Improvement Funding Program (NIFP) Subcommittee: See G) 1. Councilmember’s Announcements
    2. Rebuild Subcommittee: None
    3. Community Services District (CSD) Subcommittee: None OTHER REPORTS: Discussion may follow: Action if indicated None
  12. DISCUSSIONS: ACTION ITEMS Action if indicated
    1. Community Survey: Key issues for 2021: Councilmember Sherwood discussed the need to create a community survey to help guide a master plan and drive the Council agenda & possible more grant applications. Vice Chair Berg said that the Council website will be up in January. They agreed it would be good to link it thru the website. It will need monitoring.
    2. Change MWCAC meeting night 2021. Councilmembers changed it to second Wednesday of every month going forward.
    3. Website: Vice Chair Berg is still working on getting all the pieces together. Can’t build it until we have all the documents, photos, etc. Build date will be in January.
    4. Budget 2021-2022: The Council funds sit in the TPW budget and are looked at along with their budget. They want to have numbers in January. Council Chair Berg will write up all the numbers and send them to all members. Items on the budget are: secretary, website, placeholder for projects, etc.
    5. Councilmember Sherwood suggested that the Council put together a resolution of appreciation for Stuart Tiffin for while he was a field representative for James Gore, in the Mark West, Larkfield, Wikiup community. Perhaps present to him in January. All agreed he was an unspoken hero during the fires. Stuart was there for everything, from clearing lots to helping people with insurance problems, cope groups, working beyond his field, etc
  13. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Potential future projects and suggestions for the next meeting
    1. Presentation of examples of proposed logo for the MWCAC, created by MWUSD students
    2. January 2021: Permit Sonoma, Katrina Braehmer, “Rezoning Sites for Housing” within MWCAC boundaries
  14. ADJOURNMENT: ACTION ITEM There being no other business to discuss, on a motion by Council Lescure, seconded by Council Vice Chair Berg, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15pm.