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County Administrator's Office

For Immediate Release

Local Case Data Supports Long Awaited Openings in New Health Order

Multiple new business sectors opening in Sonoma County

Santa Rosa,CA | June 05, 2020

Sonoma County’s Health Officer issued a new Order today allowing in-person faith based services, indoor retail shopping and dining, hair salons/barbershops, and outdoor recreation business activities and equipment rental. All business sectors opening will be required to follow mitigation measures.

The County is committed to providing tools and guidance to businesses so we can continue our forward path to reopening. All businesses now being opened will require mitigation measures including: reduced number of customers to promote physical distancing, wearing a face covering, and having all employees check their temperature and conduct a symptom self-check prior to attending work using the SoCoCOVID-19 Check App or web platform on SoCoEmergency. The County will notify residents and businesses when using the App or alternative web platform are required.

In allowing the reopenings, Public Health Officer Dr. Sundari Mase stated:

“These sectors are allowed to open because of where our numbers are currently. Sonoma County has remained stable at 38.6 cases per 100,000 residents and our positive cases remain between 2-3% of the total being tested. We will continue to monitor data and make decisions accordingly to protect the health of Sonoma County.”

She cautioned however that: “The virus is not fully contained. We have not graduated to business-as-usual. The Order allows greater access to business sectors but I encourage community members, especially those over the age of 65 years old and/or with underlying health conditions, to give careful consideration to the amount of time and number of sustained interactions with others in public.”

This recent Order follows the updated parks Order issued earlier this week that allowed those in the County to drive to coastal beaches. 

Visit to read the full Shelter in Place Health Order.

Find latest updates regarding the coronavirus emergency, local resources, and other helpful information at this site.  Community members may also call 2-1-1 or text their zip code to 898-211 in order to text with a 2-1-1 operator.
