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Explore Foster Parenting at Online Talks in English or Spanish
Learn how to make a difference in a foster child’s life at and explore Foster Parenting through an introductory talk, held each month online in English or, new this year, in Spanish. The first monthly talk will be on January 25 for English speakers and February 8 for Spanish speakers, starting at 6 p.m. Read full story
New Park and Open Space Preserve Coming to Sonoma Coast
The Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District (Ag + Open Space), a special district dedicated to protecting our working and natural lands forever, transferred ownership of a 335-acre coastal property to Sonoma County Regional Parks. This land, known as Carrington Coast Ranch, will eventually open to the public as a regional park and open space preserve just north of Salmon Creek. Read full story
Job Seekers: Hear about Sutter Health Employment at Online Talk
Recruiters from Sutter Health will advise job seekers about employment opportunities and provideapplication and interview tips on Tuesday, January 19, 2-3 p.m. Hosted by Sonoma County Job Link on Zoom. Santa Rosa, California. Read full story
Health officials assist Sonoma County jail in addressing increasing COVID-19 cases
Sonoma County public health officials are helping the Sheriff’s Office respond to an increase in COVID-19 cases at the Sonoma County Main Adult Detention Facility. Read full story
Unemployed or Looking for a Career Boost? Sonoma County Job Link Can Help
Residents who are unemployed or want to upgrade their skills and build careers can find current job listings and vocational training through Sonoma County Job Link. Job Link is the one-stop career center for job seekers and youth ages 14-24 and the workforce solution for employers looking for qualified job applicants. Read full story
El Condado de Sonoma abre dos complejos de viviendas adquiridos a través del Proyecto Homekey para asistencia a largo plazo
El Condado de Sonoma abre dos complejos de viviendas adquiridos a través del Proyecto Homekey para asistencia a largo plazo Read full story
Sonoma County opens two long-term supportive housing complexes acquired through Project Homekey
Sonoma County has closed escrow on the purchase of the Sebastopol Inn, the second of two supportive housing complexes acquired by the County through funds made available by Gov. Gavin Newsom through Project Homekey. Read full story
Small sinkhole forms on River Roadwest of Guerneville, Repairs are under way by Russian River Sanitation District
A small hole near the top of an underground manholecreated a small sinkhole adjacent to River Road Tuesday afternoon near theRussian River County Sanitation District (District) main lift station. Read full story
Se formo unpequeño hoyo en River Road al oeste de Guerneville, el Distrito de Saneamientode Russian River está en proceso de reparación
Un pequeñohoyo cercas de una alcantarilla subterránea creó un pequeño bache junto a RiverRoad el martes por la tarde cerca de la estación principal de bombeo delDistrito de Saneamiento del Condado de Russian River (Russian River CountySanitation District). Read full story
El Condado de Sonoma se une a Curative para operar puestos de prueba móviles
El Condado de Sonoma se une a Curative para operar puestos de prueba móviles Read full story