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FEMA’s Disaster Assistance Registration Center to Curtail Days of Operation
The Federal Emergency ManagementAgency (FEMA) Mobile Registration Intake Center at Maria Carrillo High Schoolwill no longer be open on the weekends beginning this week. Read full story
Family Justice Center Appoints Marsha Lucien as its New Executive Director
SonomaCounty District Attorney Jill Ravitch today announced that Marsha Lucien hasbeen selected as the new Executive Director for the Family Justice Center ofSonoma County, effective December 1, 2020. Read full story
Outreachto Rural Well-Owners Underway
Approximately 9,500 rural well owners in Sonoma County will soon be receiving a survey designed to elicit their concerns and ideas about local groundwater conditions. Read full story
Reunión de alcaldía virtual de recuperación el 2 de diciembre para tratar la recolección de escombros de los Incendios Meyers, Walbridge y Glass
Los sobrevivientes de incendios y propietarios afectados por los Incendios Glass, Meyers y Walbridge están invitados a asistir a una reuniónvirtual en la alcaldía el miércoles 2 de diciembre Read full story
El condado de Sonoma emite directrices acerca de las tiendas de campaña y toldos temporales para servicio de comida y operaciones comerciales al aire libre
En coordinación con el Departamento de Servicios de Salud del condado de Sonoma, la Asociación de Jefes de Bomberos del condado de Sonoma y la Asociación de Oficiales de Prevención de Incendios del condado de Sonoma, el condado hoy emitió directrices para las estructuras de los comedores al aire libre que cumplan con los requisitos de protección de incendios y las necesidades de seguridad para COVID-19. Read full story
Ante COVID-19, el condado de Sonoma amplía el papel de laorganización O n the Move para el apoyo comunitario y financiero
El condado de Sonoma ha ampliado los criterios de elegibilidad para la asistencia económica urgente ante COVID-19 y ha designado fondos adicionales a la organización local sin fines de lucro O n the Move para distribuir apoyo económico a los residentes locales. Read full story
Virtual Recovery Town Hall for Meyers, Walbridge and Glass Fire debris removal on December 2, 2020
Fire survivors and property owners impacted by the Glass, Meyers and Walbridge fires are invited to attend a virtual town hall meeting on Wednesday, December 2, 2020 at 5 p.m. Read full story
Project Homekey to fund the acquisition of the Sebastopol Inn
A proposal by the County of Sonoma to purchase the Sebastopol Innto house some of the County’s most COVID-19 vulnerable unsheltered individualsand create long-term supportive housing has received funding from the state’sProject Homekey. Read full story
Sonoma County issues guidelines on temporary tents and canopies for outdoor dining and business operations
In coordination with the Sonoma County Department of Health Services, the Sonoma County Fire Chiefs Association and Sonoma County Fire Prevention Officers Association today released guidelines for outdoor dining structures for meeting fire protection requirements and address COVID-19 safety needs. Read full story
County of Sonoma expands role of On the Move in providing COVID-19 community assistance, financial support
The County of Sonoma has expanded eligibility criteria for emergency COVID-19 financial assistance and has allocated additional funding to local nonprofit On the Move for dissemination of financial support to local residents. Read full story