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Board of Supervisors Department

Springs Municipal Advisory Council

Springs Municipal Advisory Council Meeting

Date: December 14, 2022

Time: 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

Webinar Information:

Members of the public whowish to connect to the Springs MACmeeting use the following platform:

Join Zoom Webinar Meeting » 
Webinar ID: 985 4530 4964 
Passcode: 404502

Dial in by phone: (669) 900 9128 
Webinar ID: 985 4530 4964 
Passcode: 404502

For viewing purposes only, visit Supervisor Gorin’s Facebook page For Spanish viewing, visit Sonoma TV’s YouTube page

Los miembros del público que deseen unirse a la reunión pueden hacerlo a través de la siguiente plataforma:

Zoom/en su computadora o teléfono móvil »
Identificación de Junta (meeting ID): 985 4530 4964 
Contraseña (Password): 404502

Por Teléfono Marque el número: (669) 900 9128 
Identificación de Junta (meeting ID): 985 4530 4964 
Contraseña (Password): 404502

Para fines de visualización, visite la página de Facebook del supervisor Gorin
Para ver en español, visite la página de YouTube de Sonoma TV

Registration Required: No

Add to Calendar

Español: Esta reunión cuenta con interpretación al español. Para participar utilice la información el enlace de Zoom (hyperlink to the zoom webinar--same as english). Una vez dentro de la reunión, seleccione español cuando se le indique.

Public comment during the virtual meeting: Members of the public will be recognized at the appropriate time for public comment. Those connected via Zoom must use the Raise Hand tool or dial *9 if called in. When indicated, members of the publicwill be allowed to speak, asked to unmute and make their comment. Depending on the number of commenters, the Chair may decide to set a time limit.

Interpreting available: In Zoom: to listen to the meeting in your preferred language go to the bottom right of your screen and click on the Interpretation logo. Select English or Spanish. You will automatically hear it the language selected.


  1. Call to Order & Roll Call
  2. Approval of Minutes of November 9 and November 28 special meetings — Resolution
  3. Special Guest Opening Remarks: Youth Voice — Receive
  4. Public Comment — Receive
    (Limited to items not appearing on the agenda)
  5. Community Event Announcements — Receive
    • Springs Winter Celebration 2022
  6. Chair Iturri Update (5mins) — Resolution
  7. Supervisor Susan Gorin Update (5mins) — Receive
  8. SV Fire Update (5mins) — Receive
    Receive informational update from Chief Steve Akre 
  9. Springs Fire Safe Council Update (15mins) — Receive
    Receive informational update on the Community Wildfire Protection Plan from the Springs Fire Safe Council.
  10. CalTrans Update (15mins) — Resolution
    Receive informational update from CalTrans on Springs Road and Traffic Safety improvements. Discuss and receive council direction on a letter to be submitted to CalTrans.
  11. Springs Community Plaza Ad Hoc Update and letter Approval (15mins) — Resolution
    Receive update from the Springs Community Plaza Ad Hoc following the November public meetings. Discuss and receive council direction on a letter to be submitted to the Project Developer.
  12. Springs MAC Logo Design (15mins) — Resolution
    Council discussion and vote to keep logo as is or redesign. If redesigning; discussion and creation of New Logo Design Ad Hoc. Ad Hoc direction on timeline and independent work vs community engagement.
  13. Ad hoc and Community Projects Updates (2mins each) — Resolution
    Council Reports, Announcements, and updates
  14. Budget Update (5mins) — Resolution
    Informational budget update from D1 staff. Council direction on reporting and record keeping.
  15. Consideration of Future Agenda Items (5mins) — Receive
    Share ongoing list of future agenda items and note others of interest.
  16. Adjournment — Resolution


  1. Apertura y pase de lista
  2. Aprobación acta de la minuta reuniones del 9 y 28 de noviembre Resolución
  3. Invitado Especial Comentario de Apertura Recibir
  4. Comentario público* Recibir 
    (Limitado a temas que no aparecen en esta agenda)
  5. Anuncios y eventos comunitarios Recibir
    • Celebración de Invierno del Springs 2022
  6. Actualización de la Presidenta Iturri (5mins) Resolución
  7. Actualización de la Supervisora Susan Gorin (5mins) Recibir
  8. Actualización del Departamento de Bomberos del Valle de Sonoma (5mins) Resolución 
    Recibir actualización informativa del jefe de bomberos Steve Akre
  9. Actualización del Consejo de Seguridad de Incendios del Springs (15mins) Recibir 
    Recibir actualización informativa sobre el Plan Comunitario de Protección Contra Incendios Forestales del Consejo de Seguridad de Incendios del Springs
  10. Actualización de Caltrans (15mins) Resolución 
    Recibir actualización informativa de Caltrans sobre mejoramientos de carreteras y seguridad de trafico en el Springs. Discusión y recibir dirección concejal sobre una carta para Caltrans.
  11. Actualización Ad Hoc Plaza Comunitaria del Springs y aprobaciónde Carta (15mins) Resolución Recibir actualización del Ad Hoc Plaza Comunitaria del Springs después de las reuniones públicas de noviembre. Discusión y recibir dirección concejal sobre una carta para el desarrollador del proyecto.
  12. Diseño del Logo del Consejo (5mins) Resolución Discusión concejal y voto para dejar el diseño del logo tal cual o rediseñar. Si rediseñar; discusión y creación de un nuevo Ad Hoc Diseño de Dar dirección al Ad Hoc sobre la línea de tiempo y el trabajo independiente frente a la participación de la comunidad.
  13. Actualización de los Ad Hocs y Proyectos Comunitarios (2mins cada uno) Resolución 
    Reportes del consejo, anuncios y actualizaciones
  14. Actualización Presupuestaria (5mins) Resolución Actualización informativa presupuestaria por parte del personal del primer Dirección de consejo sobre informes y mantenimiento de registros
  15. Consideración de temas para agendas futuras (5mins) Recibir 
    Compartir lista continua y anotar nuevos temas de interés
  16. Aplazamiento Resolución

Materials related to an item on this Agenda submitted to the Sonoma Valley Citizens Advisory Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the Board of Supervisors’ Office located at 575 Administration Drive, Room 100-A, Santa Rosa, CA, during normal business hours.

Note: Consideration items will proceed as follows:

  1. Presentation by proponent
  2. Questions by Commissioners
  3. Questions and comments from the public
  4. Response by proponent, if required
  5. Comments by Commissioners
  6. Resolution, if indicated

Español: Para obtener la agenda en español, desplace hacia abajo hasta la sección indicada como “Attachments.” Aquí encontrara la agenda al igual que el material correspondiente a la reunión.

Related Links

County of Sonoma Boards and Commissions
City of Sonoma - Sonoma Valley Business Advisory Commission:

Open Meetings: Except as expressly authorized under the Ralph M. Brown Act (the State’s local agency open meeting law), all meetings of the Springs Municipal Advisory Council are open to attendance by interested members of the public.

Interpreting available: In Zoom: to listen to the meeting in your preferred language go to the bottom right of your screen and click on the Interpretation logo. Select English or Spanish. You will automatically hear it the language selected.

Español: Interpretación Disponible: En zoom: para escuchar la reunión en su idioma preferido, vaya a la parte inferior a la derecha de su pantalla y haga clic en el logotipo de Interpretación. Seleccione inglés o español, oirá automáticamente en el idioma seleccionado.

Public Comments: The Chair will invite public comment for agenda items as they are taken up by the Committee. If you wish to speak, you may do so upon receiving recognition by the Chair. Please state your name and limit your comments to the agenda item under discussion. Speakers are limited to three minutes each; available time for comments is determined by the Committee Chair based on agenda scheduling demand and total number of speakers.

Public comment during the virtual meeting: Members of the public will be recognized at the appropriate time for public comment. Those connected via Zoom must use the Raise Hand tool or dial *9 if called in. When indicated, members of the public will be allowed to speak, asked to unmute and make their comment. Depending on the number of commenters, the Chair may decide to set a time limit.

Public Appearances: Any member of the public may address the Committee on a matter not listed on the agenda as long as the subject matter is within the jurisdiction of the Committee. If you wish to speak, you may do so upon recognition by the Committee Chair. While members of the public are welcome to address the Committee, under the Brown Act open meeting laws, Committee members may not deliberate or take action on items not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three minutes each, six minutes for a member of the public attending with a translator; available time for comments is determined by the Committee Chair based on agenda scheduling demands and total number of speakers.

Disabled Accommodation: If you have a disability and require a sign language interpreter, assistive listening device, material in an alternate format, or other accommodation to attend, please contact Karina Garcia at (707) 565-1776 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting in order to facilitate arrangements for accommodation.