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For Immediate Release

<p>Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership Unveils New Website </p><p> </p>

Santa Rosa,CA | October 05, 2021

The Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership (Partnership), a collaboration of 13 water utilities in Sonoma and Marin counties, has unveiled a new website design it hopes will increase awareness of the Partnership’s many water conservation programs and messages. The newly designed website will retain the same url:


Among the features on the website are an extensive database of low-water use plants, a list of rebates available for water-saving appliances, an irrigation scheduling tool, a form to report water waste, the latest drought information, and everyday water-saving tips. 


“We hope this website redesign will encourage community members to take advantage of all the great water conservation programs the Partnership offers,” said Cotati Mayor Susan Harvey, who chairs the Water Advisory Committee, which oversees the Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership. “Water use efficiency has become even more critical during this historic drought and this website is a great resource to find out how we can all do our part to reduce water use.” 


The new website arrives at an opportune time as the Russian River watershed experiences a historic drought and cities and water agencies throughout the region are requiring customers to reduce water use. The region is in the midst of the driest two water years over the last 127 years. Lake Sonoma and Lake Mendocino water supply levels are at drastically low levels and officials are encouraging aggressive water saving efforts throughout the North Bay.  


Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership represents 13 water utilities in Sonoma and Marin counties who have joined together to provide a regional approach to water use efficiency. The utilities are the Cities of Santa Rosa, Rohnert Park, Petaluma, Sonoma, Cotati, Healdsburg, Cloverdale; North Marin and Valley of the Moon Water Districts, Marin Water, Town of Windsor, California American Water - Larkfield and Sonoma Water. Visit us on the Web at

