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Community Advisory Council (CAC) Meeting

Date: December 04, 2024

Time: 6:00 p.m.

Hybrid In-Person & Online Meeting Information:

The meetings will be held as an in-person/online hybrid format.

Members of the public may attend this meeting in person at the address below, or may join the meeting virtually through zoom.

Members of the Community Advisors Council will attend the meeting in person, except that they may attend virtually via ZOOM, to the extent allowable by the Brown Act for good cause pursuant to AB-2449.

Finley Community Center
2060 W. College Avenue
Manzanita Room
Santa Rosa, CA. 95401
Join Meeting »

Phone: 1-669-900-9128
Webinar ID: 994 6717 4138
Passcode: (IOLERO) 465376

Please be advised that those participating in the meeting remotely via Zoom do so at their own risk. The CAC's public meetings will not be canceled if any technical problems occur during the meeting.

Registration Required: No

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Password: L7x@14Zm 


  1. Call to Order, Roll Call
  2. Approval of November 6, 2024 Meeting Minutes
  3. Openings and Appointments
    Chair will report on current openings and appointments. If you are interested in applying for the current vacancies please visit:
    1. Current Vacancy:
      • District 2
      • At- Large
  4. Oral Reports and Comments
    Oral reports and/or comments to be provided. No action will be taken on these items.
    1. IOLERO Director’s Report
    2. Sheriff’s Liaison Report
    3. CAC Public Correspondence Report
  5. Presentations:
    1. IOLERO Annual Report 2023-2024 Presentation
  6. Business Items: None
  7. Adjournment For Ad Hoc Committee Working Meetings
    The CAC will adjourn for a 30-minute recess for each ad hoc committee to conduct business. The public is free to stay and listen. As these are ad hoc working sessions, no official public comment period will be held. Access to these working sessions is not available on Zoom.
  8. Reconvene to Regular Meeting
  9. CAC Committee Reports
    Ad Hoc Committee Chairs to provide oral reports and/or updates on the work being conducted. No action will be taken on these items.
    1. Community Engagement
    2. Racial and Identity Profiling Act (RIPA)
    3. Policy Recommendations Review (Canine)
  10. Open Time For Public Comment
    This section is intended for non-action items from this agenda and for items not appearing on the agenda that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the CAC. Please state your name and who you represent, if applicable. Comments will be limited at the discretion of the chairs based on number of comments and other factors.
  11. Requests For Future Agenda Items
  12. CAC Announcements
    Councilmembers may provide oral announcements on things related to CAC business.
  13. Adjournment
    The next regular meeting of the Community Advisory Council will be Wednesday January 8, 2025 at 6:00pm.
    The in-person/hybrid meeting will be at the following location:
    Finley Community Center
    2060 W. College Avenue
    Manzanita Room
    Santa Rosa, CA. 95401

Spanish Interpretation

  • Spanish interpretation will be provided as an accommodation if requested in advance. Please contact the CAC Community Engagement Analyst at (707) 565-1534 or by email by noon on the Friday prior to the meeting. We will make every effort to provide for an accommodation. Spanish interpretation will be provided within the zoom application, you must use version 5.9.0 or later.
  • Interpretación al español se proveerá si usted lo pide antes de la junta. Por favor llame a la secretaria al 707-565-1534 o notifícanos por correo electrónico antes del mediodía del viernes anterior a la reunión. Haremos todo lo posible para complacerlo. Para traducción en español, se tiene que usar la versión de Zoom 4.5.0 o una versión más adelantada. 

Disabled Accomodation

If you have a disability which requires an accommodation or an alternative format to assist you in observing and commenting on this meeting, please contact the CAC Secretary at (707) 565-1534 or by email by noon on the Friday prior to the meeting. We will make every effort to provide for an accommodation.

Public Comment at Community Advisory Council Meetings

Members of the public are free to address the CAC.
Public comments:

  • Should fall under the subject matter jurisdiction of the CAC (as noted in Ordinance No. 6333).
  • Are time-limited. Public comment applies to action items and general public comment at the end of the meeting. Action items are specified on the agenda. Time limitations are at the discretion of the Director and Chair and may be adjusted to accommodate all speakers.

In addition to oral public comment at the meetings, the community is also invited to communicate with IOLERO staff and CAC members through email. Members of the public who would like to make statements that may exceed the time limits for public comment, suggest topics to be placed on future agendas, or suggest questions to be raised and discussed by CAC members or staff, may send an email addressing these matters to

CAC members may not deliberate or take action on items not on the agenda, and may only listen and respond briefly in limited circumstances. Should CAC members wish to deliberate on an issue raised during public comment, that issue may be placed on a future agenda of the CAC for discussion and possible action. Materials related to an item on this Agenda submitted to the CAC after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the IOLERO office at the above address during normal business hours or via email.

Commitment to Civil Engagement

All are encouraged to engage in respectful communication that supports freedom of speech and values diversity of opinion. CAC Members, staff, and the public are encouraged to:

  • Create an atmosphere of respect and civility where CAC members, county staff, and the public are free to express their ideas within the time and content parameters established by the Brown Act and the CAC’s standard parliamentary procedures (Robert’s Rules of Order);
  • Adhere to time limits for each individual speaker, in order to allow as many people as possible the opportunity to be heard on as many agenda items as possible;
  • Establish and maintain a cordial and respectful atmosphere during discussions;
  • Foster meaningful communication free of attacks of a personal nature and/or attacks based on age, (dis)ability, class, education level, gender, gender identity, occupation, race and/or ethnicity, sexual orientation;
  • Listen with an open mind to all information, including dissenting points of view, regarding issues presented to the CAC;
  • Recognize it is sometimes difficult to speak at meetings, and out of respect for each person's perspective, allow speakers to have their say without comment or body gestures, including booing, whistling or clapping.

Designed Team Alliance

All are encouraged to engage in respectful, non-disruptive communication that supports freedom of speech and values diversity of opinion.

Our Designed Team Alliance is a list of norms, which describe the way CAC wants to show-up and be in community while modeling collaborative behavior. We request that CAC members, staff, and the public follow the CAC’s agreed upon Designed Team Alliance.

Our Designed Team Alliance is:

  • Be tough on topic not on people
  • Respect others
  • Respect other’s perspective
  • Respect time
  • Practice active listening
  • Be open minded
  • Speak to others as you would Like to be spoken to
  • Honor freedom of speech
  • Call each other “in”

Agendas and Materials 

Agendas and Materials: Agendas and most supporting materials are available on the Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach’s website.

Due to legal, copyright, privacy or policy considerations, not all materials are posted online. Materials that are not posted are available for public inspection between 08:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 3333 Mendocino Avenue, Suite 240, Santa Rosa, CA  95403.

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