Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach
Community Advisory Council (CAC) Reports and Recommendations
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Equipo de IOLERO
Reports & Policy Recommendations
- 6-5-2023 Ad Hoc report on Extremism (PDF: 794 kB)
- 3-18-2018 Homeless Policy Recommendations (PDF: 615 kB)
- 11-6-2017 Conflict of Interest Recommendation (PDF: 121 kB)
- 8-7-2017 Body Worn Camera Policy Recommendations (PDF: 94 kB)
- 3-30-2017 IOLERO Immigration Policies Recommendation (PDF: 481 kB)
Use of Force Recommendations
- 7-12-2021 Use of Force Policy Recommendations Canines (PDF 88 kB)
- 7-12-2021 Use of Force Policy Recommendations Firearms (PDF 86 kB)
- 7-12-2021 Use of Force Policy Recommendations Mass Demonstrations, Crowd Management and Use of Tear Gas (PDF 100 kB)
- 7-12-2021 Use of Force Policy Recommendations Prone Restraint and Maximum Prone Restraint (PDF 90 kB)
- 1-20-2020 Sheriff's Response to CAC Recommendations made on 12-4-2019 (PDF: 576 kB)
- 12-4-2019 Use of Force Policy Recommendations (PDF 222 kB
De-Escalation Recommendations
- 7-12-2021 Overarching De-Escalation Policy (PDF 74 kB)
CAC Ad Hoc on Extremism Recommendation
- 01 09 2024 Engram Attestation (PDF: 355 KB)
Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach (IOLERO) Director Recommendations
Visit Independent Office of Law Enforcement Review and Outreach (IOLERO)