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International Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers - Local 39

2019 - 2023 Local 39 Memorandum of Understanding: Article 18: Compensation Benefits

International Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers - Local 39

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18.1 Mileage Reimbursement

An employee who is authorized to use a motor vehicle for travel required in the performance of County work shall be reimbursed at the current applicable federal standard business mileage rate as established by the IRS for each mile driven so long as the employee substantiates the time, place and business purpose of the travel. Employees requesting mileage reimbursement under this provision must submit a request for reimbursement no later than 90 days following the date of travel.

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18.2 Deferred Compensation

18.2.1  Deferred Compensation – Voluntary

The County agrees to maintain the current deferred compensation plan for bargaining unit members eligible under Federal law and the rules of the deferred compensation plan. Nothing herein renders County liable to the Union or any employee for a discontinuance of Internal Revenue Service or Franchise Tax Board approval of any County deferred compensation plan or portion thereof. The County and the Union agree to meet upon request of either party during the term of this Memorandum to consider the development of additional mutually agreeable deferred compensation investment options.

18.2.2  Deferred Compensation – County Paid Program

The County shall deposit 0.25% of the biweekly base salary of each employee of this Bargaining Unit into the County-provided 457 unless regulations prevent contributions, then contribution will be made to 401(a) Deferred Compensation account, provided that the employee is in paid status for at least 50% of the employee’s regular work schedule in a pay period. Nothing in this Memorandum renders the County liable to any employee for continuance of the current deferred compensation plan in the event of a discontinuance of Internal Revenue Service or Franchise Tax Board approval of any County deferred compensation plan or portion of the plan or the employee becoming ineligible to participate in the deferred compensation plan. County paid deferred compensation under this Subsection 18.2.2 shall not be included in the calculations of retirement benefits.

18.2.3  Deferred Compensation – Employee Appeal

Employees may appeal to the Deferred Compensation Advisory Committee should they have a complaint regarding the administration of the program.

18.2.4  Deferred Compensation – Non-Grievability

The only deferred compensation issue that is grievable or arbitrable is whether the County has made its contribution.

18.2.5  Deferred Compensation – Program Modification

Nothing herein renders the County liable to the Union or any employee for a discontinuance of Internal Revenue Service or Franchise Tax Board approval of any County deferred compensation plan or portion thereof, or the employee becoming ineligible by law or the rules of the plan, to participate in the deferred compensation program(s).

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18.3 414(h)(2) - Tax Deferred Retirement Contribution

All employees who belong to the retirement system shall have their wages adjusted according to Section 414(h)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code which will have the effect of deferring Federal and State income taxes on the retirement contributions.

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