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Combined Fund Drive Campaign Information

Sonoma County Combined Fund Drive - United for good logo

United for good.

Campaign dates
March 4-31, 2024

Employees, Campaign Leaders (ECLs), and Department Heads work together to raise money through payroll pledges, donations, and department fundraisers to support our community.

County Employees Choose to Donate- Where, When, and How Much

You may donate to any nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization of your choice, including the United Way Federations. 

You may choose to donate to as many as five organizations.

Even a small amount per pay period can help others!

Fund Drive Facts about United Way

United Way of the Wine Country provides the e-Pledge giving site, Campaign leader training and other materials.

  • The County has agreed to an administrative fee of 10% of donations to offset a portion of United Way's Campaign costs. 
  • In addition to managing our Campaign, United Way of the Wine Country uses its administrative funds to provide many valuable services and community programs such as the Earn It! Keep It! $ave It! tax preparation program and the 2-1-1 Help Line.