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New Public Education Campaign Targets Speeding Carsand Aggressive Driving
The County of Sonoma Department ofTransportation and Public Works (TPW) today announced the second element of anew traffic calming program in response to recent fatalities and concerns amongTPW officials and County residents about unsafe and aggressive driving. The newtactic involves the placement of three separate and straightforward warningsigns, “Don’t Kill”, “Don’t Die”, and “Slow Down” along road segments that areknown trouble spots. The measure follows the acquisition and deployment of a radar feedback sign trailerCountywide in response to community concerns. Read full story
Environmental ViolationsResults in $245,000 Civil Judgment forCannabis Cultivation
District Attorney Jill Ravitch announced that defendantsBlack Mountain Developers LLC, Darryl Crawford, Cold Creek Group Inc., and ClintGerber have resolved a civil environmental enforcement action with theEnvironmental and Consumer Law Division of the Sonoma County DistrictAttorney’s Office. Read full story
Convicted Child Molester Denied Parole
CaliforniaDepartment of Corrections and Rehabilitation inmate Nathan Stephens, 60 yearsold previously of Santa Rosa, was given a five year denial of parole bythe State of California Board of Parole Hearings following a hearing on March26, 2019 at Avenal State Prison, in Avenal California. Read full story
Convicted Sex Offender Larry Jones Denied Parole
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitationinmate Larry Jones, 65 years old of Santa Rosa, was given a seven year denialof parole by the State of California Board of Parole Hearings following ahearing on March 27, 2019 at the Salinas Valley State Prison in SoledadCalifornia. Read full story
Los Beneficios de CalFresh llegan el 1 de mayo; Los beneficios de abril fueron añadidos en marzo
Los Beneficios de CalFresh llegan el 1 de mayo; Los beneficios de abril fueron añadidos en marzo. Read full story
May CalFresh Benefits to Arrive May 1; April Benefits Added March 22
The State of California will issue May CalFresh benefits in a single day on May 1. April benefits were added early, on March 22. Santa Rosa, CA. Read full story
Hand to Heart: Junior Commission on Human Rights announces Food andHygiene Drive for Sonoma County’s Victims of Homelessness
Hand to Heart: Junior Commission on Human Rights announces Food andHygiene Drive for Sonoma County’s Victims of Homelessness Read full story
Santa Rosa Man Sentenced for Double Murder
DefendantDalton James Carlson, 33 years old of Santa Rosa, was sentenced today by theHonorable Robert LaForge to serve 75 years-to-life in state prison for killinghis wife Jessica Carlson and his father Dale Carlson after having pled nocontest in February to two counts of first degree murder, and a firearmenhancement. Read full story
Sonoma County Moves Forwardto Restructure Fire Services
OnTuesday March 19, 2019 the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to enterseveral agreements that will move forward restructuring efforts of fireservices in Sonoma County. Read full story
Curbside Flood Debris Collection Program Comes to anEnd
A month after Sonoma County was hit by a storm that caused historical floods, the Curbside Flood Debris Collection Program established in response to that disaster will come to an end. Read full story