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Sonoma Public Infrastructure

For Immediate Release

Introduction of Speed Display Technology in Response to Aggressive Driving, Community Concerns

New Radar Trailer Deployed to Address “Trouble Spots” in Sonoma County

Santa Rosa,CA | December 11, 2018

TPW logo thumb 120The County of Sonoma Department of Transportation and Public Works (TPW) today announced the implementation of a new traffic calming program in response to community concerns about aggressive and unsafe driving along certain road segments in the unincorporated areas of Sonoma County. The new program involves the strategic placement of a new radar feedback sign trailer alerting drivers to their speed, and includes data collection technology to monitor driver speeds and consistency between drivers and numbers of drivers. The information is valuable for traffic engineers and law enforcement officials to better understand the scope and timing of speeding issues in order to effectively allocate resources.

“One of the most frequent concerns from Sonoma County residents relates to speeding cars and aggressive driving,”TPW Director, Johannes J. Hoevertsz, said. “While most accidents and fatalities are caused by impaired, distracted, or aggressive driving, the speed trailer is a temporary and visible effort to support law enforcement and bring awareness to trouble spots where motorists are driving beyond a safe and legal limit.”

“A radar trailer is a valuable educational tool to combat unsafe driving and excessive speed, which is typically the most prevalent factor in injury collisions that we investigate in Sonoma County,”California Highway Patrol Sergeant, Allan Capurro, said. “Our officers will be working speed enforcement in conjunction with the radar trailer deployment as yet another way for us to reinforce the importance of being responsible and obeying the rules of the road.”

The new speed display technology trailer will be placed along road segments for two-week deployments upon request by residents. TPW officials will evaluate the effectiveness of the program and locations on ongoing basis and make adjustments as needed. For more information regarding the new speed display technology and traffic calming program, please contact (707) 565-2550 or email


Contact Information

Dan Virkstis
Communications Specialist
(707) 565-3040