Board of Supervisors Department
North Sonoma Valley Municipal Advisory Council Meeting
Date: February 15, 2023
Time: 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
- Link: Zoom Meeting
- Meeting ID: 926 7165 8009
- Passcode: 578842
- Phone: +1 (669) 900-9128
- Contact: Hannah Whitman, Board Aide for Supervisor Susan Gorin –
Registration Required: No
- 2022-NSV-MAC-Meeting-Annual-Report-Draft-02072023R (PDF: 263.9 kB)
- NSV-MAC-agenda-02152023 (PDF: 231.5 kB)
- NSV-MAC-Minutes-Draft-01182023 (PDF: 231.3 kB)
- Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call
- Approval of January 18, 2023 minutes Resolution
- Public Comment Receive
- (Limited to items not appearing on the agenda)
- Supervisor Gorin Update Receive
- Arnold Drive: Bike Lanes Receive
- Receive brief presentation from Cindy Rader, Sonoma County Public Infrastructure, and Jeremy Schmal, GHD, on bike lanes planned for Arnold Drive and upcoming community meeting
- 810 West Agua Caliente Road, Sonoma: Potential Development Receive
- Receive brief presentation from Hanna Center on current activities and potential development of its 60-acre property at 810 West Agua Caliente Road, Sonoma
- North Sonoma Valley MAC 2022 Annual Report (continued from 1.18.23) Resolution
- Chair and Vice Chair to present 2022 NSV MAC Annual Report for approval
- Reports and Announcements from Councilmembers and Ad Hocs Receive
- Consideration of items for future agenda Receive
- Adjourn Resolution
Commitment to Civility
The North Sonoma Valley Municipal Advisory Council has adopted rules of procedures which include a commitment to civility. To assure civility in its public meetings, the public is encouraged to engage in respectful dialog that supports freedom of speech and values diversity of opinion. Councilmembers, staff, and members of the public are expected to establish and maintain a cordial and respectful atmosphere during discussions; and foster meaningful dialogue free of personal attacks. Members of the public must also adhere to the speaking time limit.
Agenda Materials
Materials related to an item on this Agenda submitted to the North Sonoma Valley Citizens Municipal Advisory Council after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the Board of Supervisors’ Office located at 575 Administration Drive, Room 100-A, Santa Rosa, CA, during normal business hours.
Note: Consideration items will proceed as follows:
- Presentation
- Questions by Councilmembers
- Questions and comments from the public
- Response by presenter, if required
- Comments by Councilmembers
- Resolution, if indicated
Open Meetings
Except as expressly authorized under the Ralph M. Brown Act (the State’s local agency open meeting law), all meetings of the North Sonoma Valley Municipal Advisory Council are open to attendance by interested members of the public.
Public Comments
The Chair will invite public comment for agenda items as they are taken up by the Committee. If you wish to speak, you may do so upon receiving recognition by the Chair. Please state your name and limit your comments to the agenda item under discussion. Speakers are limited to three minutes each; available time for comments is determined by the Committee Chair based on agenda scheduling demand and total number of speakers.
Public Appearances
Any member of the public may address the Committee on a matter not listed on the agenda as long as the subject matter is within the jurisdiction of the Committee . If you wish to speak, you may do so upon recognition by the Committee Chair. While members of the public are welcome to address the Committee, under the Brown Act open meeting laws, Committee members may not deliberate or take action on items not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three minutes each, six minutes for a member of the public attending with a translator; available time for comments is determined by the Committee Chair based on agenda scheduling demands and total number of speakers.
Disabled Accommodation
If you have a disability and require a sign language interpreter, assistive listening device, material in an alternate format, or other accommodation to attend, please contact Arielle Kubu-Jones at (707) 565-2241 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting in order to facilitate arrangements for accommodation.