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About Water Service Districts

Sonoma Public Infrastructure's offices are now located at 400 Aviation Blvd, Suite 100, Santa Rosa, CA 95403.


The Sonoma County Department of Transportation & Public Works (TPW) administers water service to four small districts: Fitch Mountain, Freestone, Jenner, and Salmon Creek. Residents within these districts are billed by TPW, which in turn uses the funds to administer and fund operations.

On-site operation and maintenance of these water systems is managed by a private contractor, Russian River Utility


Our water service districts face unique challenges in this time of drought. Since revenue is based on sales of water, funding for maintenance and improvement of our water systems is increasingly challenging as residents are asked to reduce water consumption. Despite these ongoing challenges, the Department of Transportation & Public Works strives to provide the best quality of service possible.

Water System Maps


Managing Agency: Transportation & Public Works

  • Trish Pisenti, Water and Waste Operations Manager 
  • Donna Caldwell, Administration

Operations Contractor: Russian River Utility


The Sonoma County Department of Transportation & Public Works (TPW) administers water service to four small districts: Fitch MountainFreestoneJenner, and Salmon Creek. Residents within these districts are billed by TPW, which in turn uses the funds to administer and fund operations.

On-site operation and maintenance of these water systems is managed by a private contractor, Russian River Utility


Our water service districts face unique challenges in this time of drought. Since revenue is based on sales of water, funding for maintenance and improvement of our water systems is increasingly challenging as residents are asked to reduce water consumption. Despite these ongoing challenges, the Department of Transportation & Public Works strives to provide the best quality of service possible.

Water System Maps


Managing Agency: Transportation & Public Works

  • Trish Pisenti, Water and Waste Operations Manager 
  • Donna Caldwell, Administration

Operations Contractor: Russian River Utility