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Sonoma Public Infrastructure

Planning Group Division

Board Continues Discussion on Chanate

Published: July 23, 2019

On Tuesday, July 23rd, General Services staff presented information on a preliminary step of the Chanate surplus sale process to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors. After outlining the Surplus Act criteria used to judge the proposals, staff recommended that the Board:

  1. Authorize General Services to issue a Notice of Intent to Award to California Community Housing Agency (CalCHA) as the successful proposer under the Surplus Property Notice issued on February 19, 2019, and release all other proposals.
  2. Delegate authority to the County Administrator, or designee, and the Director of General Services to negotiate and execute an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement, in a form approved by County Counsel, to enter a Purchase and Sale Agreement with CalCHA consistent with the terms and conditions as described in the Term Sheet.
  3. Direct staff to return to the Board with a Purchase and Sale Agreement for the sale of the Chanate Campus to CalCHA pursuant to the California Surplus Property Act.

The Board elected to continue the conversation, and vote at the next meeting of the Board on August 6, 2019. “The community has demonstrated their commitment to staying engaged in the process of selling the property,” recognized Supervisor Zane. “Moving the vote to August 6th allows residents two additional weeks to learn about the bidders and stay informed every step of the way.”