Public Hearing for Chanate Development and Disposition Agreement
Board of Supervisors Agenda Item for June 20, 2017
Notice is hereby Given that, pursuant to Government Code
sections 25515.2 and 6066, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Sonoma (“County”) will conduct a public hearing to consider adoption of an ordinance approving a Development and Disposition agreement (“DDA”) authorizing the sale of approximately
82 acres of 117 acres of real property owned by the County. Said property is generally located along Chanate Road in Santa Rosa, California, designated by Sonoma County Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 180-820-009, 180-820-010, 180-090-007, 173-130-038, 180-090-002, 180-090-001, 180-090-010,
180-090-008, 180-090-009, 180-090-016, 180-090-003, 180-090-004, 180-090-005, 180-090-006, 180-100-001, 180-100-029 and commonly referred to as the Chanate Campus (the “Property”). The ordinance and the DDA will be presented to the Board of Supervisors at 10:00 AM on June 20, 2017, at their regularly scheduled meeting to be held in the Board of
Supervisors Chambers located at 575 Administration Drive, Santa Rosa, California, 95403. A copy of the Agenda Report, the Ordinance, and the DDA can be viewed online at at the Office of the Board Clerk, 575 Administration Drive, Santa Rosa, California.
The County previously determined that the Property will be surplus to the County’s needs. On October 28, 2015, the County provided written offers to sell or lease the Property as surplus land to entities designated pursuant to Government Code section 54222. The County received no responses to the written offers to sell or lease the Property by the December 28, 2015 deadline. Accordingly, the County is authorized to undertake the sale of the Property pursuant to California Government Code section 25515 and following. On February 2, 2016, the Board authorized the issuance of a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) soliciting a master developer to work with the County to repurpose the Property.
The proposed DDA is between the County and the successful respondent to the RFP—Chanate Community Development Partners, LLC, a California limited liability company (“Developer”). Subject to the regulatory authority of the City of Santa Rosa who will conduct the environmental review and land use entitlement for the project, the DDA would transfer the Property to Developer and provide parameters for the development of a new mixed-use community on the Property providing housing—including affordable housing—to serve the diverse needs of the community; a village center with neighborhood retail, services, arts and cultural opportunities; and extensive open space areas—including landscaping, related parking and infrastructure. Among other things, the DDA would provide for the following components:
- Senior Units. Between 100 and 250 of the residential units constructed would be senior units. Further, twenty percent (20%) of all senior units would be rented to and occupied by Very-Low Income Households at an Affordable Rent for a period of not less than fifty-five (55) years.
- Veteran Units Developer would construct between 50 and 60 veteran units, all of which would be rented to and occupied by Very-Low Income Households at an Affordable Rent for a period of not less than fifty-five (55) years.
- Parcel J Conservation Easement. Upon closing of escrow for sale of the Property, Developer would be required to dedicate a conservation easement to a conservation organization reasonably acceptable to the County Administrator and County Counsel permanently conserving and providing for perpetual use of Parcel J exclusively for conservation purposes.
All interested persons are invited to be present at the hearing and to be heard on this matter. The public is hereby invited to present comments orally or in writing at the hearing or to send written comments to Toni Holland at 2300 County Center Dr., Suite A220, Santa Rosa, California 95403. Further information regarding the Ordinance and the DDA may be obtained by contacting Ms. Holland at (707) 565-3425 or by email at
If you challenge any of the foregoing matters in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues raise at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the County at, or prior to, the public hearing.
Published: June 6, 2017, and June 13, 2017
Mailed: June 6, 2017