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Office of Recovery and Resiliency

Forest Stewardship

Office of Recovery and Resiliency 750

On January 11, 2019, the Office of Recovery & Resiliency convened a day-long event at the Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation to kick off a campaign to increase the pace, scale and effectiveness of management on public and private forest lands to reduce wildfire hazards, benefit life safety and ecosystem services, and improve landscape resiliency. 

  • Approximately 70 people with wide-ranging affiliations participated in the event.

This was a key step in creating a “network of networks” that will pursue aligned and connected efforts at the local, regional and state scales. The event included several speakers invited to raise awareness about current and pending government policies, initiatives, regulations, programs and funding.  Terry O’Brien, a co-chair of the Governor’s Forest Management Task Force (FMTF), and Gabriel Schultz, co-chair of the FMTF’s Northern Region Prioritization Group provided opening comments that outlined the statewide needs and actions underway.

Morning Presentations

The morning’s presentation materials are available at the following links:

Speed Sharing

Several shorter-presentations were shared to describe ongoing efforts and ideas by landowners, local organizations, researchers, and investors.  Links to the mini-presentations and videos are provided below:

County staff helped facilitate discussion groups to receive input, and an online survey was circulated to collect information that will be reported up to the Northern Regional Prioritization Working Group of the FMTF.

Living with Fire

How the Forest Resilience Bond Works