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Obtaining Your Tax Bill

Secured Property Tax Bill

Annual Secured Property Tax Bills are mailed once a year in the fall to the mailing address the Assessor's office has on file. Per California State Revenue and Taxation Code (Section 2700) annual property taxes shall be payable in two installments. One bill will be mailed, on the bottom of which you will find two detachable payment stubs for each installment. If you do not receive your annual tax bill by November 10th, please contact our office to request a duplicate copy.

Please note: It is your responsibility to obtain your annual tax bill. Failure to receive a bill does not provide a basis for excusing penalties for late payment.

By Phone

To request a copy by phone you can contact the Sonoma County Tax Collector's Office at (707) 565-2281 during phone hours, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. When requesting a copy of your bill please have the the fee parcel number, assessment number or property/situs address ready so our staff can assist you quickly.

In Person

You may also obtain a bill in person at the Tax Collector's Office located at the Sonoma County Administration Center during regular business hours, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. When visiting our office in person, please note that during tax due dates there may be an increase in activity in our office which can cause parking problems and lengthy delays. Our office is located at:

585 Fiscal Drive, Room 100

Santa Rosa, California 95403

By Email

To request a duplicate copy by email, send your request including your fee parcel number, assessment number or property/situs address to the Tax Collector at


Property tax bills are available to view, print and pay online. When using our property search, you will need the fee parcel number, the assessment number or the property address. Directions for using each search term are listed below the search bar for reference. Please review the terms on our Paying Your Taxes section and then proceed to the View and Pay Property Taxes Online website.

Please note: The tax roll is a public document that lists taxes and special assessments, the amount paid and the amount due for all taxable real estate, business property and personal property located in Sonoma County. To protect your privacy we do not display name or address information in the results of any searches you perform on this website.

Sign Up for E-Billing

The Auditor-Controller Treasurer-Tax Collector Office is now offering a paperless Property Tax e-Billing System that allows you to receive your property tax bill by email. Once enrolled, you’ll receive an e-mail with a link to a copy of your property tax bill instead of a paper version in the mail. Please visit our Property Tax E-Billing section for more information about how to enroll. Please note, supplemental bills are excluded from e-billing and if applicable will be mailed to the address on file.

Supplemental Property Tax Bills

Supplemental Property Tax bills (additional taxes added after reassessment upon sale of the property) are mailed throughout the year. Copies of these bills can be retrieved in the same manner as annual Secured Tax Bills. These bills are NOT sent to your lender, but are mailed directly to you. It is your responsibility to contact your lender to determine who will pay the supplemental tax bill. See our section on the supplemental property tax on the Property Tax FAQs page for more information.

Unsecured Property Tax Bills

Unsecured Property Tax bills are generated and mailed in the first month of the fiscal year, July. If you do not receive your bill by August 10th, please contact our office using any of the methods mentioned above to request a copy. Unsecured bills have a delinquent date of August 31st at 5:00 p.m. each year. 

Impound or Escrow Accounts

If your taxes are paid through an impound account (i.e., included with your monthly mortgage payment), your lender will receive your annual tax bill, and you will receive an informational copy. Please reach out to your lender should you have any questions about who is paying your taxes.