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Payroll Forms

Tax Forms


State Tax Withholding Form (DE4) 
Form is for California personal income tax withholding only, and is used to compute the amount of taxes to be withheld from your wages. Submit form to your department payroll clerk.

State Tax Tables (Method A) 
Employees can use this schedule to select an appropriate withholding amount. The Standard Deduction and Exemption Allowance Credit are already included in these wage bracket tables.

State Tax Tables (Method B) 
This schedule may be used to calculate exact amount of withholding required. User must enter all appropriate exemptions, deductions, allowances, etc.


Federal Tax Withholding Form (IRS W-4) 
Form is for Federal income tax withholding, and is completed so that your employer can withhold the correct federal income tax from your pay. Submit form to your department payroll clerk.

Federal Tax Tables (Pub 15) 
Known as Circular E – Employer’s Tax Guide, this document explains tax responsibilities for the employer and also contains Wage Withholding and Advance Earned Income Credit Payment Tables.


Employee Forms

Deferred Compensation Forms

Human Resources Forms


Automobile Mileage Claim
Form used to report personal automobile mileage reimbursement amounts. Submit form to your department payroll clerk.

Employee Relocation Expense Assistance Reimbursement
Form is used to request relocation expenses assistance reimbursement for eligible job classes and amounts.  Submit form and all receipts and approved Relocation Expense Assistance and Paid Leave Advancement Authorization and Relocation Expenses Assistance Agreement forms to your department payroll clerk for review and processing.

Leaves of Absence

Request for Leave of Absence
Form is used to request leave of absence. This form is required, completed and signed by the employee, and submitted to department payroll clerk. Application for extended leaves, both paid and unpaid, must be completed by employee, or department if employee not available. Provides tracking for FMLA purposes and authorizes continued benefit coverage when appropriate per MOU’s and Resolution.

Medical Leave Checklist for Employees
Medical Leave Request/Status Report or a signed doctor’s note is required when an employee is absent due to a medical condition. Submit these documents to your department payroll clerk.

Catastrophic Leave

Catastrophic Leave Request
Form is used to request leave due to catastrophic situation after all other paid leave balances have been depleted. Submit form, signed by Department, to Human Resources.

Catastrophic / Decedent Leave Transfer
Form is used by employees wishing to donate their paid leave time to assist another employee whose paid time has been depleted due to a catastrophic event. Submit form to ACTTC-Payroll.

Catastrophic Leave / Decedent’s Benefit Request
Form used to donate time to another employee, or beneficiary of deceased employee, that is experiencing a catastrophic leave event. Submit to ACTTC-Payroll.


Designation / Receipt of Check Upon Death
In case of death of employee, this form determines to whom the County sends final paychecks or other benefits such as insurance, deferred compensation, and retirement benefits. Submit form to ACTTC-Payroll for employee file.

Timecard Penny Rounding Explanation

Retirement Buy Back Information Request
Employee may be eligible to purchase and receive service credit for prior county service and medical leave of absence, or to redeposit contributions previously withdrawn. Submit form to ACTTC-Payroll.

Payroll Information Request Form
Use this form to request duplicate copies of W-2 forms, research of deferred compensation catch-up eligibility, or other earnings information. Submit form to ACTTC-Payroll.


Accounting and Payroll Processing Forms

Sonoma County Payroll Calendar
The ACTTC-Payroll Calendar, showing pay dates, pay-period end dates, and holidays.

Sonoma County Bi-Weekly Payroll Schedule
The ACTTC-Payroll Calendar, in table format, showing payroll period number, payroll start dates, payroll end dates, pay dates and holidays.

Lost Warrant Affidavit
Use this form to report a lost or stolen warrant (i.e. check), and/or to obtain a duplicate warrant. Submit to ACTTC-Payroll.
