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Sonoma Public Infrastructure

Healdsburg Intermodal Facility Phase I

WO7018 Healdsburg Intermodal Bus

Sonoma Public Infrastructure's offices are now located at 400 Aviation Blvd, Suite 100, Santa Rosa, CA 95403.

Project # WO7018
Status: In Progress


The project consists, in general, of constructing two public parking lots, roadway entrances and a multipurpose path along the railroad tracks at the Historic NWP depot at Harmon & Hudson Streets, Healdsburg, CA. This work will be the first phase of the construction of a complete commuter train station, which will be performed after this project is completed and operational.


Sealed bids were received by Wednesday, July 29, 2015, until the hour of 2:30 p.m. The project was awarded to OC Jones and Sons.


Healdsburg Intermodal Bid (PDF)
Healdsburg Intermodal Bid Addendum (PDF)
Healdsburg Intermodal Bid Addendum II (PDF)
Healdsburg Intermodal Bid Addendum III (PDF)
Healdsburg Intermodal Bid Addendum IV (PDF)
Healdsburg Intermodal Bid Item List (PDF)
Healdsburg Intermodal Bid Tab W07018 (PDF)
Healdsburg Intermodal Subcontractors List-OC Jones (PDF)