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How to Pay Your Property Taxes


The Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector is pleased to provide you with the capability to pay your property taxes on-line. You may make your property tax payment using a credit card, debit card or E-Check electronic debit from your checking or savings account.

Transaction Fees:

  • Credit card payments - 2.34% per transaction
  • Debit card payments - 2.34% per transaction
  • E-Check payments - FREE

Returned Payment Fees:

  • A $30 processing fee will be added to any returned payments. This includes, but is not limited to, incorrect account information submitted during payment, non-sufficient funds and submitting account information for closed accounts.
  • If the payment is returned after the due date additional tax penalties may apply.

All transaction fees are payable to the payment processing company. The County of Sonoma does not collect these fees.

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not receive a transaction number at the end of your transaction, your transaction was NOT successful. The payment site is updated in real-time; you can always navigate back and confirm the Paid Status is “PAID.”

The tax roll is a public document that lists taxes and special assessments, the amount paid and the amount due for all taxable real estate, business property and personal property located in Sonoma County. To protect your privacy we do not display name or address information in the results of any searches you perform on this web site.

** The information you search on this site is proprietary information. Any resale of this information is prohibited **

This service has been provided to allow easy access and a visual display of County Assessment information. All reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the data provided; nevertheless, the data may be out of date, and is for assessment purposes only. No liability is assumed for the accuracy of the data. Do not make any business decisions based on this data before validating the data with the Sonoma County Assessor/Recorder’s Office. The County of Sonoma assumes no responsibility arising from use of this information. ASSOCIATED DATA ARE PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 408.3(d)

View and pay property taxed online. I have read the above disclaimer and agree to the terms and conditions.

Monthly Payments Offered through Easy Smart Pay

The Sonoma County Tax Collector has partnered with Easy Smart Pay. This program offers taxpayers a way to pay their tax bills in monthly installments.

Please review our disclaimer before proceeding to the Easy Smart Pay Website for more information:

Easy Smart Pay Disclaimer


A good way to pay your tax bill is by mail. In the envelope containing your tax bill you will find a preaddressed envelope for each installment due. Attached to the bottom of your tax bill you will find payment stub(s) for each installment. Simply include your payment and the payment stub(s) for which installment(s) you wish to pay in the preaddressed envelope, add postage and place in the mail. Using the preaddressed envelopes will ensure prompt handling of your payment once received. Please make checks and money orders payable to the Sonoma County Tax Collector and write the Fee Parcel Number on them. Your canceled check or money order stub serves as your receipt. Never send cash.

Be sure to mail payments early so that your envelope is postmarked before the delinquent date. A postmark date and time is acceptable proof of timely payment.


You may also come to the Sonoma County Tax Collector's office, located at 585 Fiscal Drive, Room 100 in Santa Rosa, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (except major Holidays). Come prepared with your tax bill, parcel number and/or address of the property being taxed. Our customer service representatives will be available to help you.

To avoid standing in line, place property tax payments into the drop box, located just outside the main entrance to our office. This box is emptied at 5:00 p.m. every business day, and payments are processed the following business day. Payments must be received prior to 5:00 p.m. on the day that they are due or they will be considered delinquent.


To make payments by telephone, please call 1-888-636-8418. Please note that the payment processing company charges a 2.34% transaction fee for credit or debit card payments but NO transaction fee for E-check payments.