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Juntaadopta ordenanza urgente para proporcionar soluciones de alojamiento parasobrevivientes de Kincade
El 5 de noviembre de 2019, la Junta deSupervisores del Condado de Sonoma tomó medidas para satisfacer las necesidadesurgentes de vivienda de los sobrevivientes de incendios de Kincade. El incendioKincaid destruyó o dañó 434 estructuras, 209 de las cuales son residenciales. Read full story
Family, Youth and Children's Services Division Director, Foster Parents and Social Worker Honored
Sonoma County Family, Youth and Children’s Services (FYC) Division Director Nick Honey was named Outstanding Director, LCSW Juana Marquez was named Outstanding Social Worker, and Michelle and Brandon Kelsey were named Outstanding Foster Parents of the Year by the California Department of Social Services. Read full story
Human Services Department Director Karen Fies named to Governor’s Master Plan on Aging Subcommittee
Sonoma County Human Services Director Karen Fies has been named to the Long-Term Services and Supports Subcommittee for California Governor Gavin Newsom’s Master Plan for Aging. Santa Rosa, California. Read full story
New groundwater monitoring wells will provide‘picture’ of underground water connections
During the months of October and November, up to 21groundwater monitoring wells will be drilled near Sonoma County creeks toprovide new information to managers and the public on the link betweengroundwater and stream flows. Read full story
El Condado realiza evaluaciones iniciales de daños
Permiso Sonoma está realizando evaluaciones iniciales de daños en un stimado de 59 edificios dañados por el Incendio Kincade. Rapid Evaluation Safety Assessment, también conocida como RESA, permite a las personas habitar y usar hogares y negocios seguros, y garantiza que las personas tengan prohibido ingresar a estructuras inseguras. Read full story
Household HazardousWaste Removal Process to Begin for Properties Impacted by the Kincade Fire
The County of Sonomawill conduct an initial Household Hazardous Waste sweep on properties impactedby the Kincade Fire to protect the public and the environment. Read full story
Comienza el Proceso de Extracción de Desechos Caseros Tóxicos en Propiedades Afectadas por el Incendio Kincade
El Condado de Sonoma llevará a cabo un proceso inicial de extracción de Desechos Caseros Tóxicos en propiedades impactadas por el Incendio Kincade con el fin de proteger al público y el medio ambiente. Read full story
County Conducts Initial Damage Assessments
Permit Sonoma is conducting initial damage assessments on an estimated 59 buildings damaged by the Kincade Fire. Rapid Evaluation Safety Assessment, also known as RESA, allows people to inhabit and use safe homes and businesses, and ensures that people are prohibited from entering unsafe structures. Read full story
Media Availability at Local Assistance Center on Monday,November 4, 2019
The County of Sonomainvites interested media partners to visit the Kincade Fire Recovery LocalAssistance Center (LAC) on Monday, November 4, 2019 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. Read full story
Las Oficinas de el Condado de Sonoma Y Centro de Asistencia Local Abrirán el Lunes 4 de Noviembre
El Condado de Sonoma invita a los medios de comunicación a visitar El Centro de Asistencia Local para Recuperación del Incendio Kincade el lunes, 4 de noviembre de 10:00am a 11:00am. Read full story