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Project-Based Voucher Waitlist on 4-Bedroom Units in Healdsburg, CA Open
The Sonoma County Housing Authority is accepting applications for its Project-Based Voucher Waitlist tied to 4-bedroom units at Riverfield Homes in Healdsburg, CA. Read full story
Abre una Lista de Espera para un Vale de Proyecto Basado para unidadesde 4-recamaras en Healdsburg, CA
La Autoridad de Vivienda del Condado de Sonoma aceptará solicitudes desde el 6 de enero al 7 de febrero de 2020 para una nueva Lista de Espera para un Vale de Proyecto Basado atado a unidades de 4-recamaras en Riverfield Homes en Healdsburg, CA. Read full story
Summer Dam Will Not Be Installedat Healdsburg Veterans Memorial Beach
Due to impacts of the Covid-19 health emergency and projections for reduced river flows, Sonoma County Regional Parks will not install the 2020 summer dam on the Russian River at Healdsburg Veterans Memorial Beach. Read full story
City Ventures Agrees to Implement Training and Pay $199,000 to Resolve Pollution Case
District Attorney Jill Ravitch has announced that defendant City Ventures Homebuilding, LLC (“CV”) has resolved a civil environmental enforcement action for water pollution and unlawful business practices during construction of new homes in the Fox Hollow subdivision Read full story
Open Burning Suspension June 15, 2020
Open Burning Suspension June 15, 2020 Read full story
El Condadode Sonoma Amplía las Pruebas de Anticuerpos para Incluir a Trabajadoresde Salud
Apartir de hoy, las pruebas de anticuerpos ahora están disponibles para lostrabajadores de salud del condado de Sonoma. El Condado de Sonoma continúaofreciendo pruebas de anticuerpos para personal de primeros auxilios, policía ybomberos, y miembros de la comunidad que dieron positivo para COVID-19 hace almenos tres semanas. Read full story
County of Sonoma Expands Antibody Testing to Include Healthcare Workers
Beginning today antibody testing is now available for Sonoma County healthcare workers. The County of Sonoma continues to offer antibody testing for first responders, police and fire personnel, and community members who tested positive for COVID-19 at least three weeks ago. Read full story
El Condado de Sonomapermitirá que las salas de degustación de bodegas y cervecerías operen sin servir alimentos a partir del 12 de juniodel 2020
La Orden de Saludactual de Refugioen Casa se modificará para permitir que funcionen las salas de degustación de bodegas y cervecerías sinque se requiera que sirvanalimentos al mismo tiempo. Read full story
County ofSonoma to Allow Tasting Rooms for Wineries and Breweries to Operate withoutServing Food Beginning June 12, 2020
The current Shelter-in-Place Health Order willbe modified to allow tasting rooms for wineries and breweries to operatewithout being required to serve food at the same time. Bars and pubs are notincluded. Read full story
Let’s Work Together to Support Our Older Adult Community During COVID-19 June is Elder Abuse Awareness Month
Every year an estimated 5 million, or 1 in 10 older Americans experience physical, mental, and financial elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation. The COVID Crisis has increased isolation for older and dependent adults, likely causing unreported instances of concerns from neighbors and others. Individuals and community-wide prevention efforts and supportive services can help keep older adults safe and healthy, helping stop abuse before it happens. Read full story