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Board of Supervisors to create Office of Equity for Sonoma County
The Board of Supervisors today voted unanimously to approve the creation of an Office of Equity for the county with instruction to immediately focus on issues related to the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on the Latinx and indigenous communities in the region. Read full story
Human Services Department Lobbies Open July 6 with Safety Measures, Limited Hours, Services
Sonoma County Human Services Department (HSD) buildings reopen to the public on Monday, July 6, 2020, with limited hours and services. Clients and employees will be required to follow Covid-19 safety procedures. Read full story
Oficinas del Departamento de Servicios Humanos abren el 6 de julio con medidas de seguridad, horas reducidas y servicios limitados
Las oficinas del Departamento de Servicios Humanos del Condado de Sonoma (HSD) abren sus puertas al publico el lunes, 6 de julio, 2020 con horas reducidas y servicios limitados. Clientes y empleados aun serán requeridos seguir las medidas de seguridad del Covid-19. Read full story
County of Sonoma RemindsResidents of Fireworks Ban
AsIndependence Day approaches, the County of Sonoma Fire Prevention divisionwould like to remind residents and visitors that all fireworks are illegal inunincorporated Sonoma County. Read full story
Sonoma County DA Announces Dismissal of 2,735 Marijuana Convictions
Sonoma County District Attorney Jill Ravitch announced today that 2,735 Sonoma County marijuana convictions will be dismissed as part of a program initiated by her office with the assistance of the “Clear My Record” application, a state-wide software application that allows District Attorneys to securely and accurately evaluate eligibility for Proposition 64 relief by reading and interpreting criminal history data from the California Department of Justice. Read full story
Abre una nueva Lista de Espera para Vales de ProyectoBasado para estudios y unidades de 1-recamara en Cloverdale y Petaluma
La Autoridad de Vivienda del Condado de Sonoma aceptará solicitudes desde el 6 de enero al 7 de febrero de 2020 para una nueva Lista de Espera para un Vale de Proyecto Basado atado a unidades de 4-recamaras en Riverfield Homes en Healdsburg, CA. Read full story
El Condadode Sonoma y la Cooperadora de Familias Seguras ("Secures FamiliesCollaborative") siguen apoyando a miembros de DREAM* locales para hallarotras opciones para la ayuda inmigratoria
El Condado de Sonoma y laCooperadora de Familias Seguras se unen en apoyo de la decisión reciente delTribunal Supremo de bloquear el Intento de la administración Trump de terminarel programa de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia ("DeferredAction for Childhood Arrivals" o DACA). Read full story
County of Sonoma and Secure Families Collaborative toContinue Supporting Local DREAMers in Finding Alternative Immigration ReliefOptions
The County of Sonoma andthe Secure Families Collaborative stand in support of the recent Supreme Courtdecision to block the Trump administration’s attempt to terminate the DeferredAction for Childhood Arrivals program, DACA. Read full story
Nueva Orden de Salud alinea elCondado con el Estado, abre más sectores del comercio
Una nueva Orden de Salud, queentrará en vigencia el viernes 19 de junio a las 12:01 a.m., afloja másrestricciones y permite que se reabran más negocios y se reanuden másactividades. Read full story
New Health Order AlignsCounty with State; Opens More Business Sectors
A new health order, slated togo into effect at 12:01 a.m. Friday, June 19, relaxes morerestrictions and allows more businesses and activities to resume. Read full story