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Climate Action and Resiliency

Energy and Sustainability at the County of Sonoma

Free Training for High Performance Residential Design and Construction

MI-BEST® (Mobile Integrated Building Energy Science Training) Series - July 16 through July 20

Published: June 13, 2018

MI-BEST is a series of five consecutive days of training designed to be taken in sequence. MI-BES joins the art of construction to the science of energy and moisture management. It provides building professionals an opportunity to learn and practice techniques that might otherwise take many residential projects to experience and troubleshoot. Students are encouraged to stay for the entire series but may alternately sign up for individual days to learn specific skills.

These trainings are organized by PG&E and offered in collaboration with the County's General Services Energy and Sustainability Division, County of Marin Community Development Agency, and Sonoma Clean Power. Lunch will be provided for class participants.

Register via the links below or go to

DAY ONE: Building Envelope and Duct Testing – July 16, 9am–5pm
Classroom: Basic energy science and pressure diagnostics, manometer law and manometer
usage. Hands On: Blower Door - Includes both pressurization and depressurization
techniques. Duct Testing - Total leakage and leakage to outside.

DAY TWO: Air Flow Measures and Static Pressure – July 17, 9am–5pm
Classroom: Static pressure and airflow, air flow measurement techniques-plenum pressure
matching method, flow hood, flow grid. room to room pressure diagnostics including duct
leakage diagnostics, (finding leaks with a manometer). Hands On: Static pressure and airflow
measurements, using the equipment approved in California. Fan watt draw and airflow

DAY THREE: Refrigerant Charge Verification – July 18, 9am–5pm
Classroom: Refrigerant charge and equipment calibration. Hands On: Combine the airflow
techniques with refrigerant charge procedures, multiple opportunities to practice on various
pieces of equipment.

DAY FOUR: Building Pressures and Ventilation Verification – July 19, 9am–5pm
Classroom: Room to room pressure diagnostics and duct leakage diagnostics. ventilation
issues and fan flows. Hands On: Room to room pressure diagnostics, effects of ventilation
fans on room pressures.

DAY FIVE: Thermal By-Pass, Quality Insulation Installation, Advanced Building Envelope – July 20, 9am-5pm
Classroom: Discuss thermal bypass, quality insulation installation, combustion analysis, and
thermal imaging. Hands On: Inspect a wall section, working some of the areas discussed. Use
an IR camera and review the results. 80 and 95 AFUE Combustion analysis