Board of Supervisors Department
Coast Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) Meeting
Date: November 16, 2023
Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Location: Bodega Bay Grange
1370 Bodega Ave
Bodega Bay, CA 94923
Attend virtually via Zoom
Registration Required: No
- 2023 CMAC annual report (PDF: 150.7 kB)
- DRAFTminutes9.21.23 (PDF: 816.4 kB)
A recording of this meeting can be viewed here.
1. Call to Order
A. Pledge of Allegiance
B. Roll Call
2. Approval of Agenda, Chair Brian Leubitz
3. Consent Agenda
These items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. The SCCMAC will act upon them at one timewithout discussion. Any Representatives, sta. member or interested party may request that an item be removed from the consent agenda for discussion.
A. September 21, 2023 Minutes
B. Chair's 2023 Annual Report
4. Statement(s) of conflict of interest: if any, from Council members
5. Chair and Council Member Reports
6. County update from Supervisor Lynda Hopkins / Staff
7. Update from Bill Maslach , California State Parks Russian River Sector Superintendent
Mr. Maslach will provide updates on questions raised during the Joint MAC Town Hall with Senator Mike McGuire held in Guerneville on 8/24 and other State Park issues.
8. Informational Overview of the “Improved and Enhanced Local FireProtection, Paramedic Services, and Disaster Response Transactions andUse Tax Ordinance” which will appear on the March 2024 ballot; with Sonoma County Fire District Chief Heine and North Sonoma Coast Fire District Chief Bonnie Plakos
This initiative would impose a transactions and use tax (“sales tax”) at the rate of one-half of one percent (0.50%) on the sale and use of tangible personal property within Sonoma County, including both incorporated and unincorporated areas. The tax would provide revenue to supplement existing funding for prevention and preparedness, paramedic services, and emergency and disaster response. More details here.
9. Public Safety / Winter Preparedness - Chief Heine
Presentation and discussion around winter emergency preparedness
10. 2024 Officer Selection Overview
At the January, 2024 meeting, a Chair and Vice Chair will be elected to serve for one year. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Coast MAC and call for special meetings. In the Chair's absence, the Vice Chairshall assume the Chair's responsibilities.
11.Public Comments Comments from the public regarding matters of general interest not on the agenda, but related to theSonoma Coast MAC business.
Pursuant to the Brown Act, the Sonoma Coast MAC cannot consider issues ortake action on any requests during this comment period. Due to time constraints, comments will be limitedat the discretion of the Chair.
Open Meetings: Except as expressly authorized under the Ralph M. Brown Act (the State’s local agency open meeting law), all meetings of the Coast Municipal Advisory Council are open to attendance by interested members of the public.
Agenda Comments: The Chair will invite public comment for agenda items as they are taken up by the Committee. If you wish to speak, you may do so upon receiving recognition by the Chair. Please state your name and limit your comments to the agenda item under discussion. Speakers are limited to two minutes each; available time for comments is determined by the Committee Chair based on agenda scheduling demand and total number of speakers.
Public Comment for Items Not on the Agenda: Any member of the public may address the Committee on a matter not listed on the agenda as long as the subject matter is within the jurisdiction of the Committee . If you wish to speak, you may do so upon recognition by the Committee Chair. While members of the public are welcome to address the Committee, under the Brown Act open meeting laws, Committee members may not deliberate or take action on items not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to two minutes each; available time for comments is determined by the Committee Chair based on agenda scheduling demands and total number of speakers.
Disabled Accommodation: If you have a disability and require a sign language interpreter, assistive listening device, material in an alternate format, or other accommodation to attend, please contact or call 1-707-565-2241 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting in order to facilitate arrangements for accommodation.
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