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Sonoma Public Infrastructure

For Immediate Release

Board of Supervisors moves forward with intent to purchase office buildings

SANTA ROSA, CA | March 25, 2025

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors today signaled its intent to purchase two modern office buildings near the Charles M. Schulz-Sonoma County Airport, the next step in a larger plan for re-envisioning the County Government Center.

The board authorized staff today to publish a notice of intent to purchase the properties located 3850 and 3880 Brickway Boulevard in Santa Rosa. The purchase price for the buildings of $32 million is supported by an independent appraisal. Staff will study the purchase of the two buildings and is scheduled to seek board approval for the purchase on May 6.

The new office space could potentially house up to 525 County employees, who would relocate from aging buildings on the main county campus at Administration Drive in Santa Rosa. Once vacated, those buildings could then be demolished to make room for a new County Government Center along with housing and commercial space. The County has created a website that spells out the vision for the County Government Center Modernization project.

“This project represents the County’s commitment to creating functional, collaborative spaces that serve both our community and our employees efficiently," said Supervisor Lynda Hopkins, chair of the Board of Supervisors. “It is a long-term investment in both the community and our workforce.”

The two Brickway buildings, constructed in 2001, have a total of 126,000 square feet. An additional $15 million is expected to be required in improvements. The County leases a number of other office buildings near the airport, so moving more County services to the area would help create efficiencies.

For more information about the plans for the buildings near the airport as well as the vision for the County Government Center, go to the County Government Center Modernization project page.

Media Contact:
Matt Brown, Sonoma County Communications Specialist
(707) 565-3040
575 Administration Drive, Suite 104A
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
