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Human Resources Department

Recruitment & Classification

Advance Salary & Relocation Incentives

Advanced Salary Step Appointments

Generally an appointing authority should hire employees at the minimum rate for each position. However it is recognized that not all employees possess the same salary history or qualifications for a job. To obtain the best qualified candidate for a position, an advanced step appointment should only be used when it is necessary to hire a qualified individual. Please review the County Administrator’s Office (CAO) Administrative Policy Manual, 4-8 Advanced Salary Step Appointments for further information.

To request and process advance salary step appointments, please complete one of the following forms per the directions detailed on the form. Contact your department’s Human Resources Recruitment and Classification Analyst regarding any question related to advance salary step appointments.

Relocation Incentives

The policy is limited to new hires, not already employed by the County of Sonoma, and requires County Administrator approval.

Relocation incentives may be authorized and/or moving expenses may be reimbursed by County departments for department heads, assistant department heads, management classification, or difficult-to-fill unrepresented positions that fulfill a critical need in the County organization.

To request relocation incentive approval, please review the County Administrator’s Office (CAO) Administrative Policy Manual, 4-9 Policy for Relocation Incentives and Reimbursement Expenses for Management and Unrepresented New Hires before completing the required authorization, agreement, and/or reimbursement forms.

Contact your department’s Human Resources R&C Analyst for further support.

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