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Energy and Sustainability

Workforce Development

people in a classroom

Free and low-cost training programs are available for contractors, building design and construction professionals, local government building departments, facilities and financing staff, energy consultants and raters to gain knowledge about clean technologies, energy efficiency, electrification, energy and green building codes, and best practices for equipment upgrades, quality equipment installation, and operation and maintenance.

Office of Energy and Sustainability Resouces

  • Tool Lending Library - the Energy and Sustainability free Tool Lending Library (TLL) is a unique program that loans building measurement and diagnostic equipment, including blower door and duct test equipment, free of charge to qualified Sonoma County professionals working on short term energy efficiency and deman reduction projects. Learn more
  • Energy and Sustainability Contractor trainings on topics including heat pumps for HVAC and water heating, electrification, and electrical panel optimization.
  • Green Business Workshops to educate business owners and operators about sustainability best practices to save energy and water, control pollution, and reduce waste to achieve Green Business certification for businesses.

Partner Green Workforce Development Training Resources

  • BayREN Trainings
    • BayREN Codes and Standards program trainings and forums to educate building professionals and building department staff about the Energy Code.
    • BayREN Public Programs Decarbonization trainings designed to educate local government staff and building professionals abou toperation and maintenance of decarbonization technologies, as well as techniques and options for financing the acquisition of this equipment.
  • PG&E Energy Centers
  • Food Service Technology Center
  • Building Operator Certification (BOD) Training
    • Building Operation Certification (BOC) is the leading training and certification program for bulding engineers and maintenance personnel.
  • Energy Code Ace
    • One-stop shot for no-cost tools, training, and resources to help you comply with California’s Title 24, Part 6 building energy code and Title 20 Appliance standards. The site is administered by the California Statewide Codes & Standards Program and vetted by the California Energy Commission 
  • CHEERS Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Rater Training
    • California HERS Raters are special inspectors trained to perform the energy efficiency field verification and diagnostic testing required by the California Energy Code (Title 24, Part 6) 

California Statewide Codes and Standards Program

  • Statewide Reach Codes Program
    • As part of the Statewide Codes & Standards Program, the Reach Codes Subprogram helps cities and counties leverage their unique authority to adopt ordinances that require increased efficiency and performance beyond the state’s minimum requirements. experts develop robust toolkits as well as provide specific technical assistance to local jurisdictions (cities and counties) considering adopting energy reach codes. These include cost-effectiveness research and analysis, model ordinance language and other code development and implementation tools, and specific technical assistance throughout the code adoption process. 
  • Cal Green Resources
    • A central location where you can find numerous resources to support Title 24m Part 11, CALGreen California Green Building Standards