Opioid Settlement Funds Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)
The Sonoma County Department of Health Services (Department) is pleased to invite you to respond to a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for Opioid Settlement Funds (OSF).
Latest News
Opioid Settlement Funds Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)
The Sonoma County Department of Health Services (Department) is pleased to invite you to respond to a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for Opioid Settlement Funds (OSF).
Job Opportunities
View a list of our current and upcoming job opportunities, including Health Program Manager - Public Health, Registrar of Voters, Sheriff's Communications Technician II, and much more!
The Consolidated Plan Development Process has begun - we need your feedback!
The Sonoma County Community Development Commission is pleased to announce that the Consolidated Plan development process has begun! Together, we can decide how federal funds will be used in our community over the next five years.
Press Releases
El Condado de Sonoma Busca Comentarios sobre los Borradores de los Elementos Seguridad y Justicia Ambiental del Plan General
El Condado de Sonoma está buscando los comentarios del público acerca de la actualización del elemento Seguridad del Plan General y sobre un borrador del nuevo elemento Justicia Ambiental.
Sonoma County seeks input on draft General Plan Safety and Environmental Justice elements
Sonoma County is seeking comments from the public on the General Plan Safety Element update and a draft of a new Environmental Justice Element.
State Court of Appeal grants Sonoma County temporary stay as county appeals well ordinance decision
The Court of Appeal for the First District in California today granted Sonoma County its request for a temporary stay in the Russian Riverkeeper & California Coastkeeper vs. County of Sonoma decision issued by a Superior Court judge last fall while the County pursues an appeal of the decision.