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Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Use in Wineries

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Use in Wineries

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What you can do to stay in compliance with pesticide laws and regulations -  Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Use in Wineries from California Department of Pesticide Regulation (CDPR):


Sulfur dioxide is used in wineries for both pesticidal and non-pesticidal uses.

he SO2 used as a sanitizer and mold control agent in wine containers (barrels, tanks, and corks) is a pesticide. A registered, labeled product is required for the pesticide uses. Use of a pesticide product is subject to licensing and worker safety requirements.

The non-pesticide SO2 uses include control of the fermentation process and preventing oxidation in the winemaking process. 


Any winery that applies SO2, labeled as a federally restricted use pesticide, to sanitize barrels and corks used in wine production must either have a staff person with either a Qualified Applicator Certificate (QAC) or Qualified Applicator License (QAL) with Category "M" (Non-Soil Fumigation) or hire a Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) licensed pest control business that is qualified to make the fumigation. In order for a person to obtain the QAC/QAL he/she must first submit a QAC/QAL application and fees to DPR to get an appointment to take both the Laws, Regulations, and Basic Principles examination and the Category "M" examination. Both examinations require a passing score of 70% or better for a person to obtain their QAC/QAL.

Detailed information on requirements needed to obtain a QAC/QAL is available at

Worker Safety

Winery operators must comply with the pesticide label requirements for SO2 use and personal protective equipment (PPE) including respiratory protection. Employers who hire employees to handle SO2 must comply with labeling requirements and worker safety regulations, e.g., training, commencing with Title 3, California Code of Regulations (3CCR) section 6700.

Worker protection for non-pesticide uses fall under the jurisdiction of the Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA). 

Air concentration monitoring

There are commercial air concentration monitoring devices available for SO2, both immediate read-out real-time units and long-term samplers.

DPR handout available

The California Department of Pesticide Regulation has created a handout, SO2 in wineries: Explaining requirements for sulfur dioxide use.

Copies can be downloaded from DPR's web site, Sulfur dioxide use in wineries(PDF) or by calling the California Department of Pesticide Regulation at (916) 445-3974.