View All County Press Releases
October 10, 2019 | County Administrator's Office
PG&E to Start Restoring Power Today
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) has notified the County ofSonoma that it has begun to conduct equipment inspections to restore power tothe 200,000 residents in Sonoma County affected by the Power Shutoff. PG&Ehas said they expect to make progress today in restoring power to some areas inthe County. Other portions of the county will remain without power untilPG&E has inspected the electrical infrastructure and determined that theycan safely restore service. Read full story
October 09, 2019 | County Administrator's Office
El condado y la ciudad recuerdan a losresidentes que deben permanecer vigilantes durante la interrupción de energiacontinua
El corte de energiaprogramado de PG&E comenzó hoy en gran parte del condado de Sonoma,afectando aproximadamente a 200,000 residentes. Read full story
October 08, 2019 | County Administrator's Office
The County of Sonoma and City of SantaRosa Prepare for Confirmed Extended Power Shutoff, Advocate for State EmergencyProclamation
PG&E informed County and City officials today that critical current weather conditions persist and will result in a power shutoff. The County of Sonoma and the City of Santa Rosa proclaimed a state of local emergency on Monday after being notified of the possibility of the now confirmed extended de-energization event by PG&E. Read full story
October 08, 2019 | County Administrator's Office
El Condado de Sonoma y la Ciudad de Santa Rosa sePreparan para un Corte Eléctrico Prolongado, y Aboga por una Proclamación deEstado de Emergencia
El Condado de Sonoma y la Ciudad de Santa Rosa están abogando por unaproclamación gubernamental de emergencia en preparación por las consecuenciasdel actual plan de corte de energía. PG&E informó hoy a los funcionariosdel Condado y de la Ciudad que la corriente crítica las condiciones climáticaspersisten y resultarán en un corte de energía. Read full story
October 07, 2019 | Permit Sonoma
Fire Prevention Week Reminds Households to Plan Ahead
Permit Sonoma’s Fire PreventionDivision invites the public to celebrate FirePrevention Week, October 6-12, 2019. The National Fire ProtectionAssociation’s (NFPA) theme for the week “Not Every Hero Wears a Cape. Planand Practice Your Escape!” reminds the community to take action bydeveloping and practicing a home fire escape plan. Read full story
October 07, 2019 | County Administrator's Office
County, City to Hold Observances of Two-Year Anniversary of Wildfires
The County of Sonoma and City of Santa Rosa invite communitymembers to gather to observe the two-year anniversary of the Sonoma ComplexFires at a brief ceremony at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 8, 2019 inCourthouse Square in Downtown Santa Rosa. Read full story
October 07, 2019 | County Administrator's Office
County of Sonoma and City of Santa RosaPreparing to Respond to a Potential PG&E Power Shutoff
The County of Sonoma and City of Santa Rosa are preparing to respond to the impacts of a possible PG&E Power Shutoff. PG&E informed County and City officials that Sonoma County is under a “Public Safety Power Shutoff Watch,” and current weather conditions may lead to a de-energization event within the next 36 to 48 hours. Read full story
October 03, 2019 | Office of the District Attorney
Child Rapist Receives 31-Year Sentence
Defendant Alejandro Tapia Garcia, 35 years old of SantaRosa, was sentenced today by the Honorable Peter Ottenweller to thirty-oneyears in state prison following his convictions in August of this year tocharges of forcible rape of a child under the age of 14, and two counts ofcommitting a forcible lewd or lascivious act upon a child younger than14. Read full story
September 27, 2019 | Permit Sonoma
Permit Sonoma Honored with Innovative Code Enforcement Award
The California Association of Code Enforcement Officers (CACEO) announced that they will be awarding their 2019 Innovative Program Award to Permit Sonoma’s Code Enforcement Division. This award recognizes code enforcement programs that are both innovative and effective. Read full story
September 27, 2019 | County Administrator's Office
County Awarded Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Funds
Sonoma County was recently awarded $586,739 in HazardMitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funding from the Federal Emergency ManagementAgency (FEMA), to support projects that mitigate seismic and wildfire hazardsthroughout the County. The awards come after an extensive application andreview period that followed the Sonoma Complex Fires. Read full story