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October 07, 2020 | Office of the District Attorney

Man Sentenced to one Year Jail for VehicularManslaughter

Defendant Wayne Thomas, 64years old of Santa Rosa, was sentenced on Friday, September 25th by theHonorable Troye Shaffer to the maximum sentence of one year in county jailafter pleading no contest to misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter for causing thedeath Sebastopol resident Guadalupe Martinez in 2018. In an unrelatedproceeding, Read full story

October 07, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

El condado de Sonoma proporciona una actualización de la revisión de exenciones escolares para la instrucción presencial

Después de revisar detenidamente 15 solicitudes, el Departamento de Servicios de Salud del condado de Sonoma aprobó que una escuela local, Presentation School en Sonoma, avance con su solicitud de exención para reapertura para la instrucción presencial Read full story

October 07, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

Materiales y suministros de reingreso para residentes que vuelvan a las áreas quemadas en el incendio

Los funcionarios del Condado de Sonoma y la Ciudad de Santa Rosa, con representantes estatales y federales realizarán un ayuntamiento virtual el miércoles, 7 de octubre del 2020 de las 5 p.m. hasta las 6:30 p.m. para proporcionar una actualización y contestar preguntas comunitarias sobre la recuperación del incendio Glass. Read full story

October 07, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

County of Sonoma provides update on review of school waivers for in-person instruction

After careful review of 15 applications, the County of Sonoma Department of Health Services has approved one local school - Presentation School in Sonoma - to move forward with its waiver request to reopen for in-person instruction. Read full story

October 07, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

Re-entry Materials, Supplies Available for Residents Returning to Burned Areas

Residents returning to areasburned in the Glass Fire are asked to visit  supply and support stations(also called commodity points of distribution or CPODs) operated by the Countyof Sonoma and the City of Santa Rosa to receive critical safety information andequipment. Read full story

October 06, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

Los funcionarios del Condado de Sonoma y la Ciudad de Santarealizan un ayuntamiento virtual sobre la recuperación del incendio Glass el miércoles, 7 de octubre

Los funcionarios del Condado de Sonoma y la Ciudad de Santa Rosa, con representantes estatales y federales realizarán un ayuntamiento virtual el miércoles, 7 de octubre del 2020 de las 5 p.m. hasta las 6:30 p.m. para proporcionar una actualización y contestar preguntas comunitarias sobre la recuperación del incendio Glass. Read full story

October 06, 2020 | County Administrator's Office

Sonoma County, City of Santa Rosa to Host Virtual Town Hall about Glass Fire Recovery and Re-Entry

Sonoma County and the City of Santa Rosa, with state and federalrepresentatives, will host a virtual town hall to share information about GlassFire recovery and re-entry on Wednesday, October 7, 2020, from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Read full story

October 05, 2020 | Office of the District Attorney

Prison Inmate Convicted ofFirst Degree Murder Once Again Denied Parole

District Attorney JillRavitch announced today that on September 29, 2020 Prison Inmate Vinh ThePhang, now 60 years old, was once again denied parole by the California Board ofParole. Read full story

October 05, 2020 | Office of the District Attorney

Unsubstantiated Coral“Reef Safe” Claims Enjoined In California

District Attorneys JillRavitch announced that Tropical Seas, Inc. (“TS”) of Florida has agreed toresolve a civil environmental enforcement case filed by the Sonoma County DistrictAttorney’s Office in conjunction with 21 district attorney offices inCalifornia. Read full story

October 05, 2020 | Clerk-Recorder-Assessor-Registrar of Voters

Ballots to go out in mail today to all registered voters inSonoma County

Vote-by-Mail ballots for the Nov.3, 2020 Consolidated General Election will begin going out today to all active,registered voters in Sonoma County. Most of these ballots should arrive withinthree to 10 days. Read full story