County Calendar
Showing 41 - 50 of 376 upcoming events
Science Saturdays: Craft a Habitat 1-2pm
Bring your junior scientist over to the EDC to enjoy a kids-only, interactive science and art hour.
sold out | Vamos a Nadar: Ridgway Pool
Aprendan lecciones de seguridad en el agua para todas y obtengan una lección de natación gratuita para los niños. Reciben un cupón para lecciones de natación a un costo reducido.
Airport Land Use Commission Meeting
Meetings of the Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) are public and are generally held the second Monday of every month on an as needed basis.
North Sonoma Valley Municipal Advisory Council Meeting
The North Sonoma Valley Municipal Advisory Council will represent the best interests of the Glen Ellen, Eldridge, and Kenwood communities while acting as a bridge for communication between the County and residents and businesses.
General Plan Community Vision Workshop: Coastal Communities/Bodega Bay/Bodega/Valley Ford April 15, 2025
These workshops provide an opportunity to learn about Sonoma County’s General Plan Update. County staff hope to hear individual perspectives on our county’s future growth, housing, transportation, environmental initiatives, and many other important topics. These sessions are designed to be family-friendly, featuring interactive activities and food. We will also have Spanish speaking staff there and provide diverse methods of engagement.
Equity in Data Training
Explore emerging practices on race and demographic data collection, equity, and systems change.
Canceled | Cities & Towns Advisory Committee
Meeting of the Cities & Towns Advisory Committee.
Canceled | Community Development Committee Meeting
Community Development Committee Meeting