County Calendar
Showing 21 - 30 of 376 upcoming events
Little Parkies
Engage in exploratory walks in the park, hands-on learning, nature-based activities and unique crafts to take home for families.
sold out | Park Preview: Carrington Ranch (Morning Session)
Explore one of Sonoma County's newest parklands before it opens to the public.
Watson School Open House
Get a glimpse of what life was like in a one-room schoolhouse.
sold out | Park Preview: Carrington Ranch (Afternoon Session)
Explore one of Sonoma County's newest parklands before it opens to the public.
Annadel Half Marathon
Runners and walkers: Support your parks by participating in this non-profit fundraising event. Early bird registration ends on March 31.
sold out | Tide Pool Talk
Learn about the diversity of the rocky shoreline in this family friendly, hands-on presentation.
sold out | Vamos a Nadar: Finley Aquatics Center
Aprendan lecciones de seguridad en el agua para todas y obtengan una lección de natación gratuita para los niños. Reciben un cupón para lecciones de natación a un costo reducido.
General Plan Community Vision Workshop: Virtual Open Houses - Registration required
These workshops provide an opportunity to learn about Sonoma County’s General Plan Update. County staff hope to hear individual perspectives on our county’s future growth, housing, transportation, environmental initiatives, and many other important topics. These sessions are designed to be family-friendly, featuring interactive activities and food. We will also have Spanish speaking staff there and provide diverse methods of engagement.
AR-RBA Office Hours
Join staff from the Sonoma County Human Services Department’s Upstream Investments and the Sonoma County Office of Equity for open office hours, offered once each month, for technical assistance on all things Anti-Racist Results-Based Accountability (AR-RBA).