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Human Resources Department

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) / Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Public Access Division

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) / Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Public Access Division

Our Ultimate Goal

The County of Sonoma diligently strives to maintain a workplace free of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. Our ultimate goal is for everyone who works for, with, and/ or receives services from the County of Sonoma to find that our culture is one that is built upon respect, inclusion, and individual dignity.

Equal Employment Opportunity

The EEO/ADA Division of the Human Resources Department for the County of Sonoma, California is committed to ensuring equal employment opportunity for those in the service of the County and equal access for all persons to the goods and services offered by the County of Sonoma.

The EEO/ADA Division provides departments and employees with support and assistance in these areas:

  • Resource to Employees
  • Compliance
  • Training

For department information or employee assistance, please email us at  To file a complaint of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, please complete and submit this form: EEO Complaint Form. 

ADA Public Access

The EEO/ADA Division is available to assist with public accommodation requests and to facilitate responses to complaints from the public concerning accessibility. The County encourages members of the public with complaints regarding access to County programs, services, or activities to informally resolve those complaints with the ADA Liaison for the individual department providing the facility, program, or service.

In the event a complaint cannot be resolved informally, a grievance regarding access to County programs, services, or activities may be filed by completing and submitting the Grievance Form.