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Department of Health Services

Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health

Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Advisory Board


Medi-Cal image

Immigration Status Doesn't Matter

Starting January 1, 2024, more people will be eligible for full Medi-Cal benefits. If you are 26-49, live in CA, and meet income requirements, you are eligible for coverage! Applying for or using Medi-Cal will not affect your immigration status.

Click here for more information

A partir del 1 de enero de 2024, más personas serán elegibles para recibir los beneficios completos de Medi-Cal. Si tiene entre 26 y 49 años, vive en CA y cumple con los requisitos de ingresos, ¡es elegible para recibir cobertura! Solicitar o utilizar Medi-Cal no afectará su estatus migratorio. ¡Y no es carga publica!

Para obtener información en español, haga clic en el botón "translate" en la esquina superior derecha de esta página y seleccione español.

The Maternal, Child, Adolescent Health (MCAH) Advisory Board meets on the first Thursday of each month; the community is invited to attend all meetings.

More details including authority, vacancies, duties, membership composition, compensation and terms

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