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Board of Supervisors Department

Dry Creek Valley Citizens Advisory Council

Approved Minutes for July 18, 2019

Dry Creek Valley Store 750

  1. Call to Order
    Chairperson Jenny Gomez called to order the regular meeting of the Dry Creek Valley Citizens Advisory Council at 6:01 pm.
  2. Introduction of Councilmembers and Roll Call
    Present Councilmembers:  Jenny Gomez, Bill Smith, Vicky Farrow, and Ruth Wilson. Councilmember Bengt Akerlind was absent.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    On a motion by Councilmember Ruth Wilson, seconded by Councilmember Bill Smith, the May 16, 2019,  Dry Creek Valley Citizens Advisory Council meeting minutes were approved. The motion carried on a voice vote, (4-0).
  4. Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items: None.
  5. Correspondence: None.
  6. Councilmember Announcements and Disclosures:
    Councilmember Vicky Farrow met with applicants during a drive-by of the property.

    Referrals from Sonoma County PRMD:
    File Number:  UPC19-0003
    Applicant Name:  Ed Newell
    Owner Name:  Ed Newell
    Site Address:  3596 & 300 Wallace Creek Road, Healdsburg
    APN: 110-260-041

    Project Description:  Request for a Use Permit for 43,560 square feet of outdoor cultivation, no processing proposed on-site, on a 50 acre parcel.

    Arthur Deicke, the owners’ representative introduced the owner Ed Newell, and his team:  Andrew McDaniel, Harold Hoven, David Rowntree, Lyann Northwood, and Isaiah. 
    Arthur Deicke did a video presentation on the bio‐dynamic farm—they expect it will take 1‐2 years for approval.  The video showed site, farm, etc.  Supervisor Gore was out to see it.  They invited Councilmembers of the DCVCAC, as well.  The video is on their website:  New Tree Ranch.  The owner and his partner had a Bed & Breakfast in the city (San Francisco) and had requests for something in Sonoma.  They decided to build a farm.  The first property was purchased four years ago, and they have since added two more parcels—one in process. Now they have 120 acres, but the total will be approximately 200 acres.

    Their objective is to have a biodynamic farm and emphasize wellness for themselves and guests.  It will be sustainable, and there will be vacation rentals.  Vegetation is in a closed loop system.  They will offer experiences like cooking classes, teach plant based food principles, and breathing techniques.  Cannabis aligns with their wellness theme.  They hope to minimize worker trips by using a shuttle.  They are minimizing light usage to limit light pollution.  All processing will be off premises.  There will be no smoking allowed.  They are currently working on other fire prevention measures, including landscaping that is fire resistant and drought resistant.  They are seeking to take care of the land by farming correctly.  They are committed to the community and want to stay.  They have realized that the back and forth to the city is not for them.  However, they also want their business to be financially sustainable.  They are members of Sonoma County Farm Bureau, Healdsburg Chamber, and the Dry Creek Valley Association.
  7. Questions and Comments from the Public
    Eileen O-Farrell—resident at 1021 Lytton Springs Road, Healdsburg, asked if they were located in the proposed Scenic Landscape Unit area. Arthur Deicke believes they are. 
    Mark Farmer—neighbor on Wallace Creek Road, introduced himself.  He grows grapes.  He also manages the COPE (Citizens Organized to Prepare for Emergencies) group for their area.  He stated that he hoped they would mitigate the odor.  Arthur Deicke commented that the location is Isolated and gated from the Wallace Creek entrance, that the gate controls access to all properties.  He also stated that the wide open area proposed for planting area surrounded by trees.  They hope to prevent pesticide drift.  They are also proposing to add physical barriers for odor.  One team member thought he knew where Mr. Farmer’s property was, but invited him to come by and visit the site. 
    Arthur Deicke explained that after the Biological review, they identified some wetlands, so the site has been moved to at least 300 ft. from the property line.  He believes it is also about 500 ft. from the nearest home.  That neighbor could possibly see the grow site from their property.  Ed, Andy, and Harold are all partners.  They are researching ways to mitigate odor and hope they can introduce plantings to absorb some of the odor.  They will not have monoculture, but will rotate other crops.  He believes the fragrance can be minimized.  They want to attach issues immediately when they arise and address them with the neighbors.  They leased a section a couple of years ago to someone who had a grow and they believe the smell was minimal.  They have now moved the site and have developed a relationship with the  
    closest neighbor.   
  8. Questions from Council
    Councilmember Vicky Farrow asked if they had been in touch with neighbors regarding  
    the referral. 
    Council Chair Jenny Gomez asked about water usage.  Arthur mentioned there is a reservoir and two unused wells.  All water will come from the reservoir.  Jenny asked if they had talked about security issues at harvest with the neighbors.  He believes they have more work to do there.  The security gate was just added a year ago.  He believes more discussion of details with the neighbors may be necessary.  All harvest will be immediately removed from the property.  He clarified they are located a mile and a half off of Mill Creek Road. 
    Councilmember Bill Smith asked again for clarification that there will be no onsite processing.  He also asked about the Biotic assessment.  He stated that the narrative in the referral indicates they may process and dry on‐site.  Arthur replied that they are currently making changes to the application.  They planner assigned to their project was not used to working with cannabis, and has now been replaced.  Scott Davidson and Lauren from the County will meet with him next week.  The shuttling of employees, processing, and activating inactive wells will all be updated on the proposal. Bill stated that he believed the council could give approval with the conditions they have stated. 
    Councilmember Ruth Wilson expressed her confusion about water rights. Arthur agreed that water rights were complicated.  The terminology states they can use water for irrigation, but they want to make sure that it can be used for irrigation for cannabis, which is considered a commodity not a crop. 
    Council Chair Jenny Gomez expressed her support for the general thoughts behind their project.  She is still very concerned about the neighbors.  She emphasized that the cannabis issue can be difficult for neighborhoods to accept.  We are wanting to work with those who are pioneering the legalization.  Can they speak to their communications with neighbors?  Arthur stated that they are fine with the Council withholding approval until we are satisfied with the neighbor communication.  He believes their next step should be to schedule a meeting with the dry Creek Valley Association to let them know what they are doing.  They may also, potentially, have an Open House to see the farm.  They are looking to our Council for guidance. 
    Councilmember Ruth Wilson stated that this would make her a lot more comfortable.  She also mentioned that she was going to ask about the shuttle.  She stated that nailing down all the changes would be good.  She suggested that presenting to the DCVA may not be the answer.  Reaching out to neighbors and those a little farther out along that road would be good.  She asked that they have the neighbors send letters of support or concern to our council, or come to a future meeting. 
    Council Chair Jenny Gomez agreed there is wisdom is coming back to our Council with neighbor outreach information.  She appreciated their thoughtfulness and willingness to share with neighbors.  This would give the Council much more information for our approval.  It would help the entire process for them, in setting protocol of outreach to neighbors.   Councilmember Vicky Farrow asked how far the grow site was from their own home on the property.  She also asked if it was a VRBO.  Arthur clarified the grow is about 100 ft. away from the house. 
    Councilmember Ruth Wilson stated that if there was an odor problem, they will be aware of it and will want to manage it.  Arthur stated that only one, or maybe two, neighbors previously mentioned smelling it.  He also clarified that renters will be able to see, but not access the grow.  They consider it to be part of the learning experience they are trying to offer. 
    Council Chair Jenny Gomez asked how they see this proceeding.  She stated the Council may not come to a resolution tonight.  Arthur expressed they would like to solidify everything with the planner first.  Once they have a clear plan, they will be able to get work out.  He asked if the COPE captain could help spread the word.  Mark Farmer did agree that he has some neighborhood contacts, but could not use the COPE contact list for anything other than emergencies.  
    Councilmember Bill Smith encouraged the applicants to go ahead with a presentation to the DCVA. He stated that some of the Directors of the DCVA are in the Mill Creek area. 
    Council Chair Jenny Gomez believes it will be worth it to do this correctly and get more input.  Neighbor Mark Farmer shared that he can talk with his friend Camille and help the applicants set up a neighbor meeting. 
    On a motion from Councilmember Bill Smith, and a second from Councilmember Vicky Farrow, it was agreed that this item would be tabled until the Council hears from the applicants that everything is updated and ready for a further presentation.   The motion passed on a voice vote (4‐0). 

  9. Discussion Items
    Discussion of potential Westside CAC
    Council Chair Jenny Gomez reintroduced this topic and asked for thoughts. 
    Councilmember Vicky Farrow asked if we should change our boundaries, so we no longer cover their area, or do we leave the boundaries the same. 
    Councilmember Bill Smith thinks that the people in the Westside area would like to be eliminated from our area, but they do not want to be a CAC; they are seeking another type of group to represent their area.  His observations are that their issues have been on new wineries and traffic.  Since we have adopted our Guidelines, we have not had many/any Winery referrals.  These changes would have to be mad by the Board of Supervisors.  He hopes all effected residents and business owners would be allowed to comment.  He believes written notification will need to be sent to everyone about what exists and what their new proposal would be.  Someone asked if anyone on our Council lived in their area, and suggested that the council may wish to have a representative from the Westside area. 
    Discussion of Scenic Landscape Unit Expansion Project 
    Council Chair Jenny Gomez introduced this item (referencing the SLU Fact Sheet and Map that were attached to the Agenda) and stated that we will forward public comments to the County in our Minutes.   
    Eileen O’Farrell—neighbor at 1021 Lytton Springs Road, Healdsburg, read a letter that she is sending to PRMD and Supervisor Gore’s office.  It stated that the Scenic Landscape Unit is very restrictive.  On their 90 acres there is almost no place they could build that would not be visible from the road.  Her letter asks them not to do approve the SLU.  She cited that fire dangers and our need for increased housing in the county are contradictory to the goals of the SLU.  She also read a letter from Robin Anderson, another Dry Creek resident—The letter was addressed to our Council.  She expressed her belief that an extra level of regulatory control is unnecessary, expensive, and would require more County resources.  The letter also stated that the existing limited density on rural particles means these restrictions would also have a limited impact.  She believes fire safety needs to be attainable by owners.  She believes paint color restrictions are not necessary.  She asked that the council please remove these restrictions from this area. 
    Council Chair Jenny Gomez commented that fire prevention trimming from the county along the road seems to be very contrary to this proposal.  She mentioned restrictive tree trimming in Mark West contributing to fire danger in the Mark West area that was burned in the Tubbs Fire. 
    Councilmember Vicky Farrow asked if the County representative could do a presentation at our August meeting.  Sharon will contact the County. 
    Eileen O’Farrell mentioned the scheduled meeting at the Geyserville Planning Committee scheduled for Tuesday, July 23rd at the Geyserville Fire Station. 
    Arthur Deicke commented that the fact that our Council did not know much about this proposal suggests that they are trying to push this through quickly.  He recommended talking to Supervisor Gore and his staff and ask them to take time before making this decision. 
  10. Agenda Items for future meetings
    See if the County can do a SLU presentation on August 15th.
    The LLA referral for Zo Winery.
    Lytton & Chiquita—a B & B asking for a liquor license—ask Jennifer Mendoza about that referral.
    Notification process improvements.
  11. Adjournment
    There being no other Council business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:16 pm; on a motion by Councilmember Vicky Farrow, seconded by Councilmember Bill Smith. The motion carried on a voice vote, (4-0).