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Drought Task Force Working Groups

The Task Force may develop Working Groups to address specific functional or operational coordination, planning, and operations.  The Task Force will select Leads for each Working Group from among its members.  Participation in Working Groups is open to all Task Force members.  Agencies from outside the Task Force may also be invited to participate in Working Groups.


Water Conditions and Coordination

Continuously monitor drought conditions, weather, sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasts, and water availability. Conduct water operations assessment and analysis.


Community/Government Affairs and Grants

Coordinate drought-related legislative activities among members. Identify and connect potential funding resources to identified needs.


Impact Assessment/ Contingency Planning

Coordinate risk identification, hazard assessment, scenario-based consequence management planning, and public safety agency coordination. Provide a mechanism to ensure timely and accurate assessment of the drought’s impacts on agriculture, industry, government, wildlife, tourism, health, and other areas.


Public Engagement and Education

Coordinate public education, outreach, and engagement efforts. Ensure equitable outreach throughout the operational area.


SB552 Implementation

Coordinate unified implementation of SB552 requirements and application of related resources. Coordinate technical support and guidance for small community water systems.