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Board of Supervisors Department

Sonoma County Coast Municipal Advisory Council

Coast Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) Meeting

Date: January 18, 2024

Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Hybrid Meeting:

Bodega Bay Grange
1370 Bodega Ave, Bodega Bay 94923

Zoom Webinar: Join Meeting
Telephone: + 1 (669) 900-9128
Passcode: 254116

Registration Required: No

Add to Calendar

Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call

Approval of Agenda, Chair Brian Leubitz

Consent Agenda

These items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. The Sonoma Coast MAC will act upon them at one time without discussion. Any Representatives, staff member or interested party may request that an item be removed from the consent agenda for discussion.
A. November 14, 2023 Minutes

Statement(s) of conflict of interest: if any, from Council members

Introductions & Councilmember comment on matters not listed on the agenda

Comments are restricted to matters within the Board’s jurisdiction. Please be brief and limit spokencomments to one minute. Due to Brown Act regulations, this is not a time for discussion of any item,however a brief dialogue about considering an item for a future agenda is permitted during this item.

Welcome and Remarks from Supervisor Lynda Hopkins

Including an update on the fishing community and the Marina

Public Comments
Comments from the public regarding matters of general interest not on the agenda, but related to the ponoma Coast MAC business. Pursuant to the Brown Act, the Sonoma Coast MAC cannot consider issues or take action on any requests during this comment period. Due to time constraints, comments will be limited at the discretion of the Chair.

Land Use: Use permit for 1-acre outdoor cannabis cultivation to replace existing cannabis cultivation at 1400 Valley Ford Freestone Rd, Bodega

Comments referencing UPC24-0001 are being accepted until 1/26/24 by Project Planner Ken Compton at He can also be reached at (707)-565-2829

Selection of 2024 Chair and Vice Chair

Nomination and Election of Chair
Nomination and Election of Vice Chair

Brown Act Training

California’s Brown Act embodies our commitment to transparency and open government. This training session aims to reinforce our adherence to this crucial legislation, focusing on recent changes and interpretations. Key topics include teleconferencing guidelines, social media use by MAC members, and strategies for maintaining transparency and effective communication within the legal framework of the Brown Act.

Agenda Development Overview

in collaboration with the Chair and Vice-Chair, D5 Staff will prepare the agenda for each meeting. All Representatives may place submissions for agenda topics by requesting agenda items at the prior MAC meeting or via email to Chair and staff. All requested agenda topics will be reviewed by staff and the Chair in agenda setting meetings.

Agenda items will be chosen based on criteria including timeliness, fitting within the role and responsibilities of the MAC, priorities for the community, and feedback from District 5 Supervisor, staff & MAC representatives.

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors Draft Calendar of Significant Items for 2024 is attached for review. This calendar remains a work in progress and is a useful way to stay informed of upcoming Board of Supervisors calendar items.


Open Meetings: Except as expressly authorized under the Ralph M. Brown Act (the State’s local agency open meeting law), all meetings of the Coast Municipal Advisory Council are open to attendance by interested members of the public.

Agenda Comments: The Chair will invite public comment for agenda items as they are taken up by the Committee. If you wish to speak, you may do so upon receiving recognition by the Chair. Please state your name and limit your comments to the agenda item under discussion. Speakers are limited to two minutes each; available time for comments is determined by the Committee Chair based on agenda scheduling demand and total number of speakers.

Public Comment for Items Not on the Agenda: Any member of the public may address the Committee on a matter not listed on the agenda as long as the subject matter is within the jurisdiction of the Committee . If you wish to speak, you may do so upon recognition by the Committee Chair. While members of the public are welcome to address the Committee, under the Brown Act open meeting laws, Committee members may not deliberate or take action on items not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to two minutes each; available time for comments is determined by the Committee Chair based on agenda scheduling demands and total number of speakers.

Disabled Accommodation: If you have a disability and require a sign language interpreter, assistive listening device, material in an alternate format, or other accommodation to attend, please contact or call 1-707-565-2241 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting in order to facilitate arrangements for accommodation.